Mystical Place

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own the photos/videos on the cover.


***This dream gave me good vibes and I hope that I interpreted it right and will really give my life colours and magic.***

I was with someone, she's a girl but her face is unclear. We were holding our hands while walking in a not so good place. It was dark, a bit muddy and so dull! Then while we were walking we saw a door surrounded by vines . The door is transaparent and we could see what's inside. And yes! It was like a secret garden because what we saw inside is a magical place with princesses and princes (that's how I described them based on their clothes).

I was mesmerized and wanted to go inside that magical door. I told the girl with me (still holding my hand) to go inside, but she said "We can't go in". I asked her "Why?" She said "I just knew it in my heart that we can't", she said in hesitation.

Without a warning, I entangled our hands and got inside that door. I felt soooo happy when I got in. I was smiling so big that I thought my mouth would ripped.

I told her "See? I told you! C'mmon! Get in now!" Still with hesitation she attempted to get inside but to our surprise she wasn't able to get in. I was confused! "Why?" I asked myself. I pity the woman outside. The place I was in is so damn beautiful. I saw her shrugged her shoulders and looked so sad. Then I hear a voice in my head, "You are a princess that's why you got in, you belong here and she didn't."

Upon hearing it my heart was torn into pieces, I really don't know who is that woman but I want her to be with me. An idea crossed my mind. If I am a princess and I can get in, possibly she can too if I will hold her hand.

I took a chance, got out from that door again, hold her hand then tried to get in and yay! We got in! I was delighted!

We roamed the place, admiring its beauty; it's so enchanting!


We heard footsteps, and a voice saying we need to find the lost princess. I feared that they're talking about me so I grabbed my companion's hand then we run as fast as we could.

When we reached to a safer place, we lay down on the grass panting. I closed my eyes inhaling the freshness of the air. I opened it when I heard the woman with me say, "Wow! Beautiful blue flowers!" When I look at it I was amazed because all things are blue, when I turn to the other way it's all red, then green, then orange and so on. The flowers has its classification of colours. It makes my heart peaceful. I can't take my eyes away from all of them.

I took the woman's hand and we roamed around the place again until we reached to another door. We can see a highway, cars passing by. We can see that there are people outside too, they are coming inside but it seems that the place is not that magical to them. You can see it from their eyes. It seems the place was so natural for them. I was so curious why. I thought that this could be the exit door. So, we got out then finally I understand why people weren't mesmerized by the place we were from because outside the place is just a plain forest with huge trees. People were happy camping and taking pictures. They didn't see the magical place I am seeing right now.

"If only people can see what inside, they would feel so happy and great." I said randomly.

Then the place just starting to fade away.


We should see the heart and soul of a person, not her outside appearance. My dream wants to remind me that inside me is a beautiful soul even if it was tarnished by my mistakes. I am not a hypocrite and I know that I am a sinner but currently I am experiencing too much judgment that broke my heart and soul because it came from a person I dearly love. It almost left me to believe that I was indeed a bad person but something inside me is shouting that NO! You are not!

I did failed myself in the past but I am trying to be a better person. My dream only shows that if some people (That woman in my dream) can't see the beauty in me, I just need to be happy within myself and enjoy my colourful life. Or maybe, like what I did in my dream, to pull her inside me so she can see how beautiful I am inside which I did successfully.

If you are experiencing criticism in life, don't be disappointed. Just move forward. What is important is your heart and soul. Believe in yourself, believe that you are good. People will always have something to say bad about you, let them be and enjoy your life with or without someone with you.

"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we'll ever do."

-Brené Brown-



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