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DISCLAIMER: Photos/videos came from google and youtube.

I dreamed about this one last week. It was really a bad dream and yes! It did happen in real life. Not the exact one (thanks God!), but it is the way as I interpreted it.

In my dream there's flood, and there's my family. We saved each other and already in a safe place when my younger brother jumped into the water again. I was shocked because there's a heavy current in the water. I panicked and called everyone to look for my brother. I can still remember the face of my brother when he willingly leaped into the water, as if there's no other way but to be swallowed by the flood. We keep searching, my heart is pounding in my dream, terrified that my brother will be gone forever. We reached the end of the flowing water, we didn't see my brother but we saw his clothes. 🥺 That's the end of my dream.

I have a heavy heart when I woke up. My brother is miles away from us since he's working abroad. I messaged him the moment I opened my eyes. I told him to be healthy always and take good care of himself. He just laughed at me and told me to stop worrying about him.


I know that a problem will soon arise, specifically to my brother. I just prayed that it will not be that difficult. I prayed that my brother will be brave enough to deal with it and not do what he did in my dream, to give up and allowed the water to take him away.

Days after, my brother got some financial problem and it's a big one. I can feel his worries but encouraged him to be strong enough to handle things. To be vigilant with his expenses because money come and go.

"It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor."




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