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me- writing? nEver?!))

wilbur pov

"that's insane toms cmon bud" wilbur muttered sitting down at the table hastily, tommy looked to him he could see the boys hands shaking
"i swear wilbur he just- he didn't seem himself his eyes were all..." he trailed off scrunching his eyes closed. Wil looked saddened at his brother.

phil looked to him and tommy "finn" ye said simply hearing the boy walking by
"ah yes sir?" finn asked politely
"make  sure tommy gets to bed safely" he said with a small smile
the boy blinked from tommy to wil and nodded smiling at tommy, tommy sulkily got up glancing at us before leaving with finn.

"Dad this isn't good" wil said to his father he glanced down at his now broken guitar his stomach churning, he looked back up feeling worse
"i know wil" phil started
"are we sure tommy is telling the truth" techno rambled "maybe he was delusional or-" he was cut of by phil
"techno we will listen to him, now is not the time

a sigh came from all of them as they one by one left the room.

tommy pov

tommy walked slowly behind finn his head held low
"here we are sir" finn said with a small smile opening his bedroom door "try and get some sleep!" he added closing the door on tommy.

he flinched slightly but eventually leant back down on to the bed staring at the ceiling aimlessly, he felt nothing, why?

his mind jumbled confused with emotions he sat up his hair scruffy and eyes wide with confusion as if he only had just taken in the experience "holy shit.... that wasn't the bad i really knew..."
he trailed off trying to keep his train of thought, he grabbed a note book that he used to sketch diary entries into when he was younger, he opened it roughly.

jotting down a page of writing with a sigh he straightened up, "yeah yeah just give this to them and they'll know right?, they'd understand!?" he questioned himself over and over, but he was still numb, not sad nor angry. His head was to quiet it scared him he sat up in a haze


tommy's body seemed to move by itself taking itself to the open window, the windows in tommy and the other boys rooms where large, as tall as tommy, tommy perched himself on the window still dangling his legs dangerously off the edge, his mind was screaming at him to turn back.

tommy began to whistle, how odd? he thought i'd that one of wilburs songs? "i was gonna wait for you" tommy muttered along to the tune in his head, suddenly his eyes widened as he comprehended where he was,

he fell backwards into his room "oh god no no" tommy shook his hand covering his mouth tears filling his eyes "why why why"

techno pov

after the conversation with tommy and phil along with wil, he had taken some time to clear his head, he knew bad well, he was friends with the dream team and he knew bad not ovine with dream would be odd but this? he couldn't believe it.

he looked down at carl's mane as they trotted along the path, he let out a cold long sigh, "it's ok tommy, we'll figure it out" he said to himself closing his eyes as he trotted he heard the sound of a guitar, techno tied carl up and leant on a near by tree

he listened knowing who it was he looked round the corner, he could see the back of his brother, the yellow jumper and burgundy beanie made wilbur recognise him instantly, the man strummed his guitar, a older one seen as his other had broke. milo

all pov

wil sat looking at the small pond strumming steadily thinking of which song, a song came to mind a small smile spearing on his face
"i used to hear a simple song"
he closed his eyes remembering the silent days before tommy was part of their family
"that was until you came along" he chuckled a little at the thought of the word matching perfect
"now in its place is something new" but tommy hadn't been loud and himself in a while, he missed his brother "i hear it when i look at you"

techno looked at the back of him as he sunk to the floor listening a sad smile into he usual blank face he thought of when the 3 where younger, the memories where so bright and happy, they seemed dull now it saddens the whole family

"With simple songs, I wanted more" wilbur continued reminding himself of the memories
"perfection is so quick to bore, you are my beautiful by far, our flaws are who we really are" he sang sweetly honey filling his voice

tommy sat staring out of his window still shaking, he heard the quiet strumming from afar and smiled warmly "thank you wil" he chuckled

"I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
You took my broken melody
And now, I hear a symphony"

wilburs voiced pounded, he yelled the words out pain filling them, techos eyes widened, Tommy now hearing the words smiled , tears rolling down his cheeks

"And now, I hear
A symphony" he whispered with a yawn pacing his guitar down on the ground gently

the first had W+T+T etched into it by wil one night when the three couldn't sleep

"i'll be ok" tommy whispered drifting of to sleep


also i stream at

thank chu

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