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•averys pov•
(the next day)

me and payton just pulled up to school, we were at our lockers making out when charli and nick came over to us.
ch| morning!!
a,p| morning
n| yo, how was everyone's night?
a| terrifying.
ch| why
a| oh nothing.
p| i agreee
we giggled
a| what about you guys
ch| wellll it was cute
n| mhm
he kissed her head and the bell rang.
a| what have you guys got?
ch,p| music
a| math
n| english
a| see you guys!
i waved at them and i walked to math after payton gave me kiss on the cheek.

the class was about to end, i was watching the clock move it's hands to 10pm and a few seconds later the bell rang, god that was a boring lesson, i got up and i walked out of class, the corridors were quiet because i got out late, i sat at the back and i had to wait for the slow coaches in my class to move, lol, i saw nick and he ran up me.
n| have you seen charli and payton?
a| no i just got out of class you?
n| if i saw them i would be with them.
i laughed
n| avery and her stupid questions.
he tapped my head.
a| idiot.
n| i could flick you and you'd go flying to Antarctica.
a| shut up, come here let's check the music rooms they must be there.
we walked into the music department.
n| yeah okay.
we walked passed a room and at the corner of my eye i saw two people.
a| let's check this one.
we looked through the door from the window in the door and there we saw payton and charli making out..

i felt like my soul left my body, my breath started getting heavier and nick said;
n| come on you got this avery, let's go in there and stick up for ourselves, i beleive in your and i know you can do it.
a| thank you nick.
i opened the door and i said;
a| i love you too payton..
n| you too charli...
p| BAB-
i closed the door, me and nick walked away.
p| BABY!
he opened the door and ran over to me.
p| i'm sorry, i'm so sorry.
he started to cry.
a| your not payton, if you were.. you would have pulled away but no you carry on just please get out of my face, and you ugh i can't even look at you-
n| come on avery they aren't worth it
p| no bab-
i walked away with nick.

(time skip)
i got home and i laid on my bed facing the ceiling, i cried all day today and i had no tears left to cry, my door opened and it was jaden.
ja| heyy! where's payton?
a| i don't know
ja| you okay?
a| n no
payton walked through the door and said;
p| bubs
ja| no, can you leave the room for a moment i want to speak to my sister privately.
jaden got up and payton left, jaden shut the door and sat back down.
ja| what's up?
i explained everything.
ja| so he went behind your back and kissed your best friend?
a| yeah
ja| got it, stay here i'll be back.
he got up and left.

•paytons pov•
i was sat in the living room waiting for them to finish their conversation, i'm gonna die today, i think we all know what jadens capable of so i'm  honestly scared.

i head footsteps and i looked up, it was jaden.
ja| get up.
i stood up.
ja| i'm not even going to let you explain yourself but her best friend really? you messed up your whole relationship and a friend group-
p| i can explai-
ja| shut the fuck up, did i say you could speak.
i nodded no.
ja| exactly so why were you speaking.
i stayed quiet.
ja| my dads gonna be so devastated, he really liked you, he always spoke highly about you because of how gentle you were with avery, oh well..you can get out now.
p| can i speak to a-
jaden pushed me.
ja| you don't deserve to speak okay! not after what you did you cheat
he spat at me and left the room.

(time skip, the next day)
•averys pov•
it was break, me and nick were walking around chatting and chilling on our phones.
a| i'm so boredddd!
n| meeee toooo!
we laughed.
a| look who's coming.
it was charli, me and nick just walked away, our friend group was over.
a| have you watched riverdale?
n| yeah
a| isn't jughead the cutest person you've ever seen?
n| no
we laughed and i glanced at payton, he looked so lonely but oh well, he cheated not the other way around.

(time skip, two days later)
the doorbell rang and i went to go get it, it was joanne
j| hey sweety.
a| hello?
j| i called you a few times but you didn't answer, paytons not doing great i think he's been taking something.
a few tears dropped out of my eyes
a| as much as i want to help i can't my brother won't let me come and if i see him i'd break down.
j| okay thanks anyway, you were a great girlfriend to him, i love yu so much stay safe.
she gave me a hug.
a| you too.
she left and i closed the door.

(time skip, one week later)
mads and jaden figured stuff out and their back together, right now me and mads were walking back from the mall, she pointed left and said;
m| isn't that your boyfriend payton
i looked to my side and it was payton, he was sat on his porch drinking and smoking, my heart dropped, i caused this, i my eyes started to tear up as i walked towards him, his eyes met mine and he moved his alcohol bottle away so i couldn't see it but i already had seen it, i couldn't hold back my tears, a stream of salty water flooded down my cheeks, i bent down and said;
a| payt.
p| what?
i put my hand in his hair and i ruffled it.
p| i like that
i stopped.
a| i'll carry on if you stop smoking.
he dropped his cigarette on the floor.
a| payt
p| mhm
a| i'll be back okay
p| promise
a| promise
p| please don't be long.

(time skip)
me and mads got to my house and i told her not to tell jaden i'm going to paytons or he'll drag me back to the house by the hair.

i got to paytons house and he was sat on his porch smoking again.
he dropped it.
p| i'm sorry i'm addicted
a| me or the cigarettes
p| you of course is that even a question?
a| me or your alcohol
p| you.
a| will you quit smoking and drinking for me?
p| yeah but it's gonna take some time because over this week i've been drinking and smoking none stop.
a| im sorry.
p| for?
a| not being there for you.
p|im a cheat i deserve it i deserve another spit on the face.
a| aw who spit on you?
he put his head on my chest.
p| jaden.
a| oh..
p| it's okay i deserved it.
i didn't say anything to that.
a| bab- i mean payton how many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
p| four.
a| what that's so much!
p| i'm sorry
a| it's okay listen your cutting down to one a day for a week and then one every two days and then one three and then so on.
p| please i want to stop smoking it's messing with my head.
a| do you drink.
p| yeah.
a| hand me all your bottles.
p| this is all i have at the moment.
he handed me the bottle he was drinking from earlier, i picked it up and went inside, he followed me and i went into the kitchen.
a| hey joanne.
j| SWEETYY! i would hug you but your holding that.
i chuckled.
a| i'm not drinking don't worry
j| i know
she glared at payton who followed me, i went over to the sink and i poured it.
he tried reaching for the bottle.
a| payton, look at me, are you changing you decision?
a| baby it's the right choice payton i mean.
he didn't make sense so i hand his hand and took him to the bathroom, i ran a cold bath and he got in after he stripped.

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