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•averys pov•
(three months later)

me and amelie, nicks girl, we at target getting snacks for our sleep over with avani and riley, riley and i got to know each other and she's one of my besties now, as for sab she's out of town, she went on a road trip with cooper. payton called me a bunch of times after the first week of our breakup but that's about it i haven't heard from him since he posted a sad emoji, i hope he's doing good, i still love him..

i know am is averys mum but for now amelie is am.
a| is that even a question
we giggled and walked into the candy isle.
a| sour patch kids
i put them in the basket
am| swedish fish
she put them in the basket
a| gummy bears
i put them in the basket
am| m&ms
she put them in the basket
a| starburst
i put them in the basket
am| we won't have any teeth left after this sleep over
we started laughing, she glanced at something behind me and i looked back, my smile faced away when my eyes met paytons, he was holding a girls hand, we held eye contact until amelie shrugged me.
am| let's go girl.
i looked at her and my eyes were watering.
am| he's not worth it come on your doing so good without him.
a| your right come on
we had to walk past them so we did, the female he was holding hands with whispered;
??| slaggg
am| you what? wanna say it to our face instead of whispering.
a| come on girl she's the slag here
the female punched me and i laughed because it was so light, i punched her up her jaw and she fell,
??| babe
p| what
me and amelie started to walk away.
p| avy wait
we didn't wait i just kept walking.

(time skip)
we were all watching a movie until my phone kept going off, avani paused it and said;
av| who is it?
i looked at my phone and rolled my eyes
a| payton
av| hand it over
i gave it to her and she picked up.
av| WHAT
p| what
av| you called.. what?
p| is avery there
av| no
p| why would you have her phone
av| she left it at my house..
p| okay tell her to call me
r(riley)| NO
she said at the back and we all laughed
p| she's there i know she is
r| she isn't fuck off cheater.
p| shut up who the fuck is that?
av| my mom
r| no i'm nana riley
we all laughed
a| omg just fuck off..
i ended the call.. he called again and i picked up.
a| if you call me again i'm blocking your number
av| yeah cheat EW
p| please speak to me
a| why though, when we were gonna speak you told me you we're gonna make me regret meeting you.. okay i'm still waiting.
av| let's be honest avery and josh ruined his whole life
am| mhm that's what cheaters get
am| he was with that girl at target ew what a downgrade
p| avy your perfect
a| bye, if you call me again i'll block your number and i'll literally block you on everything and anything is that clear
p| hm
av| speak up weirdo
p| yeah
r| avery you know jamie the guy who you went out with last week
a| mhm
i was playing along with whatever she was doing
p| jamie who's jamie?
av| her boyfriend
p| what? you replaced me that quickly
a| i could ask you the same thing
p| she was just a hoe
a| and that's what irritates me, you want me back but then you go and get hoes, you then told me you'd rape me which makes me scared to go next to you, you yell at me almost every week and if i go somewhere you spam my phone, yeah we were cute and kind to each other but you were toxic payton, you were really toxic and i can't have you back because i'm scared, i mm afraid to get close to you.
i started to cry.
r| end the call right now he doesn't deserve her, he said he'd rape her.. wtf is he thick in the head.. payton if you think you have a chance with avery oh sweetheart you don't even know how much power she holds, oh those videos were just proof that you were brutal, if you ever think of touching, talking or even looking at avery, say bye bye to your future, your carrier, your everything okay..
p| hm
p| yeah okay
avani ended the call and i said with no emotion;
a| let's watch
amelie turned the lap off we carried on eating and watching, i was just sat there staring at the wall and silently crying, why did this need to happen to me? what did i do to deserve this? all i've tried to do is be nice to him, what's fucking wrong with me?

•paytons pov•
i was in mine and averys room i mean my room now, i cried on the dirty sex bed, i'm such a disappointment, nobody likes me, after what happened with avery none of my friends contacted me, none of my family members face time, i lost my best friend nick and i don't know if i can cope anymore, what should i do, should i just end everything.. i was a shitty boyfriend and i'll never in a million years get the girl of my dreams back and i feel like screaming.
i screamed and knocked the tv off the wall, a couple seconds later i heard a knock at the door, i went to go open it, it was the neighbour cindie, she's in her 40s and she moved here a few years ago.
p| yeah, could i help you?
c(she's c for now)| are you okay darling, what was that bang.
p| nothing
c| it's okay to tell me, what's up son.
p| everything.
tears ran down my eyes as i said that.
c| wanna come over to mine, you can speak to me and my husband.
p| i'm good.
c| why won't you come
p| i just don't want to go, okay!
c| i was just trying to help.
p| yeah thanks for being here when nobody was but i'm not in my mind if that makes sense.
c| i know what you mean, if your willing to speak to me and my husband than come by whenever you like.
p| i did some regretful things and you won't like them if you heard them.
c| what did you do?
p| if i tell you your going to leave me like the rest
c| oh don't be silly.
p| if you really want to know, i had the best girlfriend but i lost her and i think she moved on.
c| you had a girl over yesterday though
p| that was my fuck buddy
c| how did you and avery i presume break up
p| i cheated multiple times, i caused an argument with her and i started saying the dumbest shit in the world
c| like..
p| i told her i'd... rape... her
p| i told her that i didn't love her and i loved her ex best friend.. who i cheated on avery with.
c| your revolting.
she got off the porch and left, what am i going to do now?

a/n| have you read my first book "the neighbour"

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