Chapter 1

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Ariana's POV

A week later.

Honestly, its so weird having Kelly as my step sister.. I just never imagined her being 'Kelly Irwin'.

The doorbell rang making me jump and drop the knife I was holding, I was making breakfast but now I'll have to wash it again.. Thanks!.

I sighed and headed to the door, I saw Calum approaching it so I just ran and shoved him away. He giggled and I opened the door.

"Ashton! Come on I told you that they would be home!" Kelly shouted, she squealed and gave me a tight squeeze.

Ashton entered the house moments later and he gave me a hug and kissed my cheek, I closed the door behind them whilst they were saying hello to Calum.

Calum was taken into another room by Ashton and it must be secretive considering they closed the door and were basically just whispering.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I asked her

"Nah, we just ate actually" I nodded and headed back to the kitchen, she followed me and we began to cook together.

"Do you like living with Cal then?" I nodded and smiled to myself, Calums new house is quite large to be honest. He asked me if I wanted to move in so he wouldn't be lonely, so of course I agreed and now here we are.

"Have you.. 'Frickle frackled' yet?" She asked, I guess it was a bad time to drink since I almost did a spittake.

I managed to swallow my drink and I took a deep breath, I burst into laughter after her words echoed in my head.

"There's so many words you could say.. And you say frickle frackle" I laughed.

"Fine then! Have you fucked?" I groaned and scrunched my nose up.

"See its better when I say frickle frackle!" I nodded and laughed.

"Now stop avoiding the damn question!" She shouted.

"Yes now be quiet" I smirked and put the recently cooked bacon and egg onto some plates for us.

"You and Calum actually fucked?!" She squealed.

"Yeah why is that so hard to believe?" I groaned

"I don't know, i just can't imagine you and him doing the frickle frackle" she laughed.

"Why would you want to? That's disgusting" I laughed at her reaction as she slapped my leg and shook her head.

"I didn't mean that" I nodded sarcastically and I ran out of the room before she could hit me again.

She obviously ran after me but stopped at the room Cal and Ash were in.

"Ash, Cal she's bullying me" I scoffed and I lightly shoved her, I ran back into the kitchen and poured myself a drink of water.

"Your the one who wants to imagine me and my boyfriend doing the 'dirty'" I almost burst into laughter as I sat down on one of the stairs.

"See!" She pouted and sat down on the floor.

"I want to see Luke and Mikey!" I pouted.

Kellys bottom lip was still stuck out and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Ash stole my boyfriend" I groaned and sat down on the floor beside her

"Your boyfriend stole my husband!" She cried, we both gasped and laughed.

"That's weird calling him my husband.." She ran her fingers through her recently dyed hair, it was a really light blonde colour now.

I nodded in agreement and she giggled and shoved me, I fell over onto the floor and I just couldn't be bothered to get myself back up.

"Im not bullying you at all!" I spat.

She slapped my leg and I stuck my finger up at her causing her to slap me again.

"Your so abusive, stop!" We were both in fits of laughter and the door suddenly opened revealing a very confused looking Cal and Ash.

We were both just laying flat on the hardwood floor and Kelly began to roll and laugh at the same time, I shook my head and sat up.

"We are so childish" I mumbled, she stopped rolling and gasped at me.

"I'll slap you" she smirked.

"What are you going to do? Spank me?" I burst into laughter and she started laughing to.

"That's Calums job" Ashton joined in with the laughing and Calum was smirking and nodding his head in agreement.

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