Chapter 4

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Ariana's POV

I woke up and saw that Cal wasn't laying beside me, I looked at the time on my phone and noticed that I should be getting up now for work anyway.

I went to the bathroom and got into the shower, I washed my hair with some coconut shampoo and conditioner and I washed my body with some strawberry shower gel.

I went back to our shared bedroom and I dried my hair with the hair dryer, I sprayed some heat protect spray on my long hair and I combed it through.

I straightened all of my hair which took atleast an hour, I sighed and opened my closet. I pulled on some black lace underwear with some black skinny jeans and a grey long sleeved crop top.

I slipped my feet into some cream ankle socks and I put on my black heeled boots.

I put on some concealer, foundation, eyeliner and mascara followed by some red lipstick.

I sprayed some perfume and I picked up my bag and my phone and headed downstairs.

Calum wasn't here, where could he have gone? He isn't needed at the studio today so where else would he be?.

I finished my cup of tea and I placed the mug into the dishwasher and I grabbed my house keys and my car keys and I headed out of the front door.

I got into my cream fiat 500 and I headed out of the driveway and drove towards the hair salon I was now hired at.


I parked my car and I checked my phone in case Calum had texted me like he usually does, but he hasn't.

To:Cal X

I don't know where you are but I'll see you when I get home, love you xxx

I put my phone into my bag and I locked my car and headed into the hair salon, I greeted the other employees and I went into the staff room and placed my bag down.


"Ariana can you take the next customer please?" I nodded and stood by the front desk, I opened the book that was filled with names and times, I found today's date and I looked at the time.

10:34am, I looked at the next appointment which is at 10:40 with Mrs Anderson.

The phone rang and I quickly answered it.

"Hello, Claire's hair and beauty studio, how can I help?" I asked.

"Hi, do you have any appointments for today please?" The lady asked.

"Umm.. We have 4:45" I informed her.

"Yes that's fine, Mrs Franklin" I wrote down her name in the book and she hung up after I said goodbye.

The door opened and I smiled at the woman in front of me.

"Mrs Anderson?" I nodded and lead her to the sinks.

She sat down in the chair and I wrapped a towel around her shoulders and gently brought her head back so her hair was in the sink.

I switched the water on and waited for it to heat up a little.

"Tell me if it gets too hot" she nodded and I began to wet her hair with the warm water, I put my hand at the edge of her hairline to shield her face from the water.

I washed her hair with some shampoo and conditioner by tresemme.

I rinsed it all out and switched the water off, I wrapped her hair up in a towel and took her over to one of the hair stations.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked.

"I'm okay thanks" I nodded and rubbed her hair dry with the towel.

I put a black cloak thing over her clothes and I clipped it at the back.

"What can I do for you today then?" I asked her and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"Can I have my split ends sorted out and can I have my hair layered please?" I nodded and grabbed the comb and scissors.

I clipped some of her hair up so I could get to her whole head.

I combed each strand of hair and I cut off the split ends all the way around her head.

I looked down to see quite a few short chunks of hair on the ground, I let out a sigh of relief once I had finished with the split ends.

"How short do you want me to cut your layers?" I asked.

"About an inch off?" I nodded and I measured an inch with each part of her hair using my fingers.

I quickly cut an inch off on each layer.


I dusted the hair off her cloak and I grabbed the hairdryer and ran my fingers through her hair whilst I dried it.

Once it was all dry I unplugged the hairdryer and I took the cloak off her and put it in the other room.

She thanked me and paid for the haircut, I placed the money in the till and she also gave a tip.

"Thank you have a nice day!" I smiled and she waved and left.

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