Chapter 1

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Jade's pov

*Alarm ringing*

I was awaken by a loud banging noise of the alarm clock near my bed I went to shut it off and proceeded on taking my cellphone beside it, as usual I was flooded with notifications from all of my social media accounts yep I didn't turn them of I love seeing our loving fans comments. I clicked the first one, and It was a picture of me and Perrie posted by apparently a big Jerrie shipper. I was in awe in looking at our lovely picture, but more on staring to the blonde beside me whose arms are holding on to my waist, and those blue eyes so crystal clear that I always get lost to and of course here I am having butterflies in my stomach just thinking that she is staring at me in the picture oh how I wish that it is THAT looooong...

"OW!!" *tissue paper flying to my face* My attention now diverted to a woman at my door step standing with her arms on her waist and with furrowed eyebrows, eyes staring directly at me. "What was that for MUM!?" I shouted annoyed and glared at her. yes my mum and I are like sisters . she just laughed at me while saying "God! why is my daughter so whipped?" she said after having her laugh she walked towards the end of my bed and sat down. I looked at her for probably about 5 secs and rolled my eyes "What do you mean whipped? You don't even know what I am looking at, Its food if you ask" she laughed again but this time louder! "MUM! shhhh its still early in the morning you'll wake up the neighbors and we'll get arrested!" she stopped laughing and looked at me with tears in eyes from her laugh "Pet I know you, you have been my daughter for as long as I can remember. And as far as I can remember Perrie is not food!" yes my Mum knows about my feelings for Perrie. Ghaaad! I am now sure that I'm regretting telling her about THAT. "Ok fine!" I said with an annoyed playful tone. Then I went to show her the picture I was staring at. "awwww look at my two daughters! You two look like a married couple here" she went to hug me but I cut her off saying " Oh mum that is far from happening, its her and Alex's 3rd anniversary next week, and they look as happy as ever, Perrie looks happy" I finished with my head now low looking at the picture and locking the screen, a tear fell and I wasn't aware of it, I looked up to my mom now her face full of "its okay Jade, It'll be okay" and she hugged me, and I sobbed in her arms while she pats my back and her other arm massaging my head. we stayed like that for a good 10 minutes until i heard a


I looked at my phone and it was a text from Leigh

"Jade! are you awake? has Perrie texted you or called you? please reply or call me as soon as you read this"

I was shocked by the looks of it Leigh is panicking, And now I am too, whats wrong? did something bad happen to Perrie. I didn't even bother replying to Leigh, I immediately went to dial Perrie's number. after a few rings, she picked up.

"H-hello? J-jade?" she sounded nervous.

"Pez?! are you okay? why are you stuttering? whats the matter? where are you?" I m so worried that I just threw questions to her like a maniac, just because I want to know why does the love of life sounds so sad and nervous at this hour.

"Im-Im okay, Babe." Ill be lying if I tell you that my heart is stable right now. okay Jade focus! "But can you pick me up and maybe we can go together for our interview with the girls?" She continued, I heard her sniffled, but I brushed it off because I don't want to force her to tell me, what is going on . Ill wait years if I have to. but for now. Ill be here. " Of course babe, we still have a few hours, have you eaten your breakfast yet? and where is Ale-" I was cut off when I heard Alex on the background calling for Perrie. Ouch "um- See you later Jade" she said lowly. and before I reply, the line was cut off leaving me with questions, a ton of questions.


Lee Lee: "You awake Jade? Perrie just texted me saying that the two of you will go together, and she just fell asleep, I panicked sorry hehe"

But hey, Why did Leigh panicked in the first place? Why did I just thought of this now? Like thats Perrie! She loves her sleep and Its normal that shes late... Now I have more questions!!

Me: "Hey Lee Lee! Yea, she just called me, see you at 10!"

She fell asleep? I have known Perrie for years, we slept beside each other on our tour buses and that doesn't sound like a Perrie that just woke up! Why did she lied to Leigh? What is going on with her? Oh God....

I checked the time and its now 7:30. I stood up and picked up the tissue roll that me mum threw at me. I smiled in my head remembering the scene earlier, yea I was kidding when I said I regret telling my Mum about what I feel, It feels good when she comforts me and love how my heart flutters when she calls Perrie her daughter. I proceeded to get my towel and went straight to the bathroom, and hoping I get refresh from the thoughts and questions that are still in my head. and yes hoped that after this bath, I can assure my Perrie is okay. Oh God, MY PERRIE... I wished!

I got out of the shower, and it's refreshing not gonna lie. But my head is still filled with Perrie... I looked at the time and its 8:20, I sighed because its still too early for me to pick Perrie up, the interview will start at 11am, yea 10 is just our call time. But damnit... I can't wait any longer to see my beautiful blonde, I want to see her face and feel her to ease my worries, I want to make sure she is ok. So being the me, I got up and say fck it. Ill go there and maybe stay there a bit with her till the time. I was about to threw myself out my door when I remembered I didnt have breakfast yet, and shit. Alex is there. I think to myself... Yea right Jade, you thought you are the one she needs right now, Wake up you bloody cow. she have Alex! I put my hands on my face and just stayed like that then my phone lit up


Pezzaroo: "Jade, babe? are you ready? I know its still early but maybe you can come a bit earlier here? I mean, Like, right now? Gosh I sound so needy! Well its ok if you are still all cuddled up in bed!"

Ghad of course Perrie!! OF COURSE!!!

My smile is wide as hell right now, If I smile more Ill be looking like joker, but hey! my heart is bouncing jumping running!

I quickly replied

Me: "Of course Pezza! Im on my way! see ya babe!"

And with that I was out our door, of course after saying goodbye and giving a kiss to my mum.

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