The Forest

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Their horse whinnied, giving her and the dragons a miniature heart attack. The carriage sped off, showing her the last view of the two-headed dragon screeching in agony. She let go of her breath at last. 'Are you alright?' Hugo asked, trying to get up from the mess; he seemed to notice that she was shaking. 'Yes,' she lied; those golden eyes and sleek black skin was burned into her mind. 'What did you see there?' Adriel asked as he rubbed his forehead.


The carriage stopped abruptly. 

All three of them fell, again. 

The carriage's door slowly opened and a man stood there. He looked like he just fought with old Garry, with numerous cuts in his forehead and hands, red eyes like he was crying or hadn't slept for days and anger clearly visible on his face. The three of them stared at him, in confusion and fear; he looked as scary as the dragon. 

"Come out"

Carefully, they got out of the crashed carriage and looked at him. He gave them a scroll and said, "We are being followed by a dragon and I am in no shape to kill them. The only way to escape is you run, and I distract the dragon" The man said speaking fast while holding his head high up as if he was proud on bringing grave danger upon them. They just stared at him, it was the worst excuse he could give. If no dragons were chasing her right now, she would have gone ahead and slapped him for bringing them into a forest when he could have just slowed down just like the other carriages and saved all 4 of their lives. 

She stared at the man angrily but he didn't seem to care, all he did was to continue holding his head up high. "But won't other dragons kill us if we go into the forest?" Hugo asked the coachman. "Boy keep your mouth shut and pack these bags or you will be the dragons next snack". The man said, pointing at the storage boxes and some bags. The three of them stood there taken aback by the man's temper. 

"The. bags. aren't. going. to fill. themselves!!" He screamed at them again. They filled the bags with supplies while the coachman kept on scanning the surroundings every 2 seconds as if some fly was annoying him. It all made no sense. By the time they had packed the bags with lots of weird stuff from the supply box, the coachman's head was rapidly moving around checking the surroundings. In the end, all he did was shovel the bags on them and push them away from the carriage.  

He removed the curtains from the carriage and tied them around his neck like a cloak, making it clear that he was indeed mad, moreover left the three with nothing but dust. They stood there speechless and clueless about what was happening.  "What do we do now?" Kendra asked as she stared at the way the carriage went. "We go the other way, I guess" Hugo murmured looking at the trees surrounding them. 

Suddenly they heard some twigs snap nearby. It took them a minute to look at each other wide-eye, and for the first time after the crash, Kendra knew what to do. 

She ran.  

They all broke into a sprint, halfway through she realised that she was holding both Adriel and Hugo's hand which was highly unadvisable in the forest but they had to stay together. She was even surprised that none of them fell face-first into the soil. The heavy bags slowed the three of them down, especially Adriel who was fighting a headache, but they kept going on. Eventually, they stopped because Adriel looked like he was going to faint and their tummies started making weird noises. Hiding behind the bushes, they checked if anything was following them but nothing seemed to. 

The sun wasn't in their favour too; shining brightly as if it was enjoying their suffering. They sat underneath a huge tree for a while, catching their breath as Hugo went through the stuff the coachman put in his bag. "How to survive your 3-day practice test with Dank the Dragon - Dragonsville Bestseller". He took the book outside and found some bread and water inside a box and passed it down to them. Kendra or Adriel didn't bother opening their packs. She divided the bread into 3 pieces and gave it to them"We are doomed", Hugo commented and sighed as he swallowed down the bread. They just sat there for a while enjoying their time resting not knowing what lays in front of them.


I know, I know, it's short and not worth the wait I gave you guys but more will be coming soon, trust me! 

What do you guys think? 

Why is the coachman acting weird?

Are Grandma's superstitions coming true or is it a coincidence?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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