Chapter 9 - The Most Powerful Magic Is In The Heart

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A few days later the news about the Spring Dance had floded the school and boys all over the academy were stressing on who to go with while Diana and Jessie were meeting up wih each other at the gates

Diana: Hey, Jess.
Jessie: Morning, Sunshine.
Diana: You going to rehearsals today?
Jessie: Uh, do I have a choice? You got us into this. I don't even understand why.
Diana: The conditions were favorable and the scholarships were worth it.*says as she was searching for her ringing phone in her bag* Hello?
Sebastian: I need you right away.
Diana: What?
Sebastian: Look up.
The two girls then look up to see Sebastian on the roof of the Academy, waving for Diana to come
Diana: I have to go.
Jessie: This has two weeks detention written all over it. Have fun.

Diana then runs up the stairs just to find Sebastian with two suits in his hands.

Sebastian: I really need your help. Which one do you think I should wear?
Sebastian: Sebastian: Because you're going to have a pretty dress, so I want to look right.
Diana: I've never been asked to a prom, but
this almost sounds like an invitation. *says while helping him in one of the suits* This one.
Sebastian: I've never been to a dance, much less a prom. But I was hoping these might be a good start. *says showing her two tickets he got for them* Do you think we're going to have to waltz? Because I have no idea how to do that.
Diana: All I know is what my dad taught me when I was a little girl. I'd stand on his toes, and he'd waltz me around the living room before he had to give me up for adoption. Come here. I'll show you.
Sebastian: What?
Diana: Come here.
Sebastian: We're on the roof.
Diana: It's your fault. You are the one who chooses such places to hide when he doesn't want to see anyone.
Sebastian: good point. *goes closer*
Dina: Besides, you need to know how to dance on our wedding day

Sebastian: now that's music to my ears

At this point, however, a strong wave hits them as well as everyone in the building causing them to fall to the ground by the power of magic that brings back memories they did not expect to possess.

Sebastian: okay...that was really weird...*says sitting up and looking around for Diana* Diana? Are you okay?

Diana: I think so. Where are my dad and brother?

Sebastian: i think inside with the others

Diana's mother Ariel then yells for her from several levels bellow along with Sebastian's brother James

Sebastian: never mind, sounds like I was wrong.
Ariel: Diana?! Sweetie?! *yells from where she is*
James: Sebastian! where are you?!
Sebastian: Up Here!! *yells as loud as he can*

However screaming of horror soon follow and Diana and Sebastian run downstairs where James was in his Winter Soldier suit with Ariel who had a tail and Hook who hugged her to protect her from the evil witch standing in front of them.
Diana: The party's over Fiona. Stay away from my parents.

Fiona: *laughs* and who's gonna make me? You and him? I'd like to see that.

Diana: *starts singing while her body glow more and more with the following beat* Once I lived in darkness
Out there on my own
Left to brave the world alone
Everything seemed hopeless
No chance to break free
Couldn't hear the song inside of me

Fiona narrows her eyes at that as she flies up into the air in her dark fairy form

Diana: Once upon a time
A song inspired them – be brave
They gave me up because my fate
Was as the one who'd save
The world from your dark magic
And the wicked things you do
They placed a song inside my heart
More powerful than you

James, Sebastian and hooks eyes widen at that

Red wings then appear on her back and she flies up as well

Fiona: No way...*eyes widen just a tad bit*

Diana: All the years of running
No, not anymore
I know what I'm living for
I'm no longer searching
Turns out all along
The answer was inside me
With a song *ends the song as she fires a lot of light magic at the evil fairy*

Fiona: No...this is impossible...too much Light...this can't be happening, No, Noooo *screams as she tries to protect herself as best as she can*

But she soon shatters and black sand is all that's left of her while Diana falls back down on her knees while her wings burst and vanish

Sebastian is fast by her side checking her and making sure she's alright.

Harry soon appears as well while Hook and Ariel crawl towards Diana as well

Harry: Is everyone okay? *says running over to them*

Diana: We are now

Harry: thank goodness. *says helping his mother, father and sister up while also making sure their really okay*
Meanwhile James and Sebastian are checking each other as well

Ariel: Dani *squeals before pulling her in a tight hug* Well done my angel

Hook: *nods* very well done.

Diana: I love you both soo much

Ariel and Hook: we love you more sweetie, were so happy your okay. *says as they both hug her at once*

Diana: All I needed was to give up my wings. Nothing more

James: gave up your wings...
Sebastian: to defeat her...
Hook: you didn't have to, we could have beaten her together.

Diana's legs then however turn into a mermaid tail as a reward for the magic she gave up to save her loved ones

gasps can be heard coming from said loved ones upon seeing that

Sebastian then moves to Diana and moves her to the sofa while her mother starts to think of how Diana could turn her tail back to her legs

Hook: okay, so I guess now you're just like mom. *says with a grin*

Ariel: Is so then all you have to do is wish for legs and they will appear

Hook: you think that will work?

Diana: Only one way to find out *says before closing her eyes as a gold light makes the tail disappear*

all of them: I really worked. *say smiling*

Diana: Anything is possible

all of them: very true.

The Magic Of Pure Love is Music || Sebastian Smythe Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن