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This is straight after the last chapter, so read that if you haven't already. Also, this chapter is a little shorter than usual (600 words), but I'm super busy atm, so I'm really sorry.


He told me to wait and exited the car, jogging around the side before standing tall and opening my door with a flourish. He also held the ice cream parlour door open for me as well, freaking gentleman.

Chalkboards lined the walls, colourful chalk scribbled with flavours and specials. Somebody had drawn flowers and other pretty things around the edges of each blackboard and I smiled.

I saw Ashton's hand twitch at his side and his eyes glance towards me. His smile was soft around the edges and dimples caved his cheeks.

"Next!" The lady at the counter called and Ashton stepped forward.

"A chocolate double scoop for me and a strawberry double scoop for him," Ashton said. "Extra pink sprinkles and pink sherbet on the strawberry, please."

He paid and we were directed to a booth in the back, our ice creams would be arriving shortly.

"You didn't have to pay for me, you know. And I can order for myself."

"I know," Ashton said. "I just wanted to see if I could do it, if I could get your order right. And I'm the one that asked you out, I can pay for you."

"Asked me out, hm?"

He blushed and I nearly squealed because I just made Ashton Irwin blush.

"Wow, you're really pretty," he decided randomly. "You look good in the girls' school uniform but don't you get like, crap for it? For not wearing the boys' uniform?"

I looked down at myself: black skirt that had been rolled up at the waist so the hem went to mid-thigh -higher than school regulations- adorned smooth legs longer than skyscrapers. A long sleeved button-down cobalt blouse that was unbuttoned obscenely low, showing off a milky chest.

"My brother's are both the stars of the hockey team, trust me, no one will give me shit. No one will be my friend, but they won't be mean or anything."

Ashton's hand that rested on the wooden table top twitched again, as if he was aching to move it, but our ice creams arrived before he could do anything about it.

"I'm your friend," Ashton said, caring hazels baring into my own.

"Yeah," I said, licking my ice cream experimentally, having never tried sherbet before. It was sweet, and seemed to explode in my mouth like bombs. "You are."

Ashton smiled, and I didn't see a muscular fuck boy. Instead I saw a defenceless, sensitive boy who needed somebody to love. Somebody for him to lay all his affections on.

"Thank you for this," I told Ashton. "It's really nice of you."

He winked, chocolate sauce smeared across his upper lip. "Anything for my princess."

"Why do you keep calling me that?"

"Because you are a princess. You're pretty, and elegant, and dress well, and you even talk to peasants like me. Sounds like a princess."

"You, um, have a little, um," I pointed with my pinky finger to his mouth. He looked confused, so I helped him, cleaning the chocolate sauce off. He stared at me wondrously and I slowly raised my pinky to my mouth and sucked on the chocolate-covered digit until it was clean.

"Yeah, I'm taking you home now, princess," Ashton announced, eyes blown wide, a bulge in his skin tight jeans.


because this story literally gains 1k between updates, I've decided to update every 4 days instead of on weekends. I update every 4 days anyway, because I'm awful with only once a week, so it's not much of a big deal.

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