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I couldn't get enough of Ashton; of his kisses, his touch. His arms, wrapped around me like he was trying to protect me from anything that could ever hurt me. After spending the whole day with him and then the  following hours thinking about him, I was planning on sneaking out to see him. Maybe I was clingy or maybe I was just a teenager with a silly crush.

It was almost 2am, and all I wanted to do was suck him off; repay him for how he made me feel earlier. I'd never sucked anyone off before but the yearn to have Ashton at my mercy and make him whimper as I made him feel good was so strong.

I texted him to let him know he should be expecting me soon and I ran to my bedroom door in excitement. I was about to open the door when I heard footsteps down the corridor, heavy and loud, most likely Jack. Grumbling under my breath, I slugged back towards my bed. I knew that out of anyone, Jack was the worst kind of dragon I'd have to slay in order to leave my tower. It was almost as if I was Rapunzel, never given the opportunities to experience life in all of my seventeen years.

Ashton was my chance to be a little reckless and see how other normal teenagers live. I decided then, that I was going to prolong my Rapunzel facade a little longer. I opened my window, hooking my legs over the sill. It was a long way down from the second floor and I hesitated, biting my lip. How did people in the movies do this?

I turned around so I was still seated on the sill, but facing my bedroom. Maybe doing this backwards would work better? I was just about to give up, to text Ashton and call everything off. To go back to being the princess stuck in the tower when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a golden hue. I spun my head to look at it and I smiled.

The golden light was coming from the brick house next door and if I knew the house's layout as well as I thought I did, it was Ashton's room. I could picture him sitting on his bed, waiting for me. Maybe he knew me well enough and understood what my text meant and he was hard. Maybe he was jacking off to the thought of me.

Blushing furiously, I finished my climb to the ground, thanking God and everything holy that I was still alive. I dashed across the lawn, only looking back once to make sure Jack wasn't hanging out my window watching me go; that'd be very Hollywood of him. When I got to Ashton's house I was panting from a mixture of lack of breath and excitement. Ashton and I were so close, just a layer of bricks separating us.

I didn't even bother knocking, just slowly slid open the door and crept inside. Ashton was expecting me, so this wasn't breaking and entering, right? I closed the door behind me and slinked upstairs, jumping over the squealy step and made my way to Ashton's room. Butterflies were flying up a storm in my stomach and a sliver of panic crept into my mind. What if he doesn't actually want me? What if he's making fun of me, making fun of the freak, just like everyone else?

"Luke," Ashton said. He didn't sound surprised. More relieved that I was following through with what my text had suggested and coming over.

"Hey," I replied simply.

"You cold?" He asked, gesturing to my attire.

"A bit."



I frowned. So far this early-morning meeting wasn't going as planned. Shouldn't I be on my knees by now? Maybe he had misunderstood my words for something far tamer.

Still, I allowed Ashton to take me by the hand and lead me to his bed. I folded my legs daintily and waited for him to join me upon his rumpled sheets. I hoped I hadn't woken him.

Once Ashton had closed the door for privacy and turned the light off, he climbed over me. He shuffled for a minute before settling behind me, acting as a pillow for my head. He was so soft and squishy, while being a muscly hard-ass at the same time. Was he thinking the same thought about me? Was he thinking about me at all? Did he even care about me?

"What are you thinking about?" I asked. The desire to know was too strong, I couldn't stop it from bursting out of me.

"Things. Life. You," he teased, leaning down to kiss my nose. It had to be an awkward angle for him but it was such a sweet feeling, to have someone peck your nose like you were something fragile and delicate. Like you were something that needed to be cared for. And while it was nice to be independent and to do things for yourself, it was also nice to have someone step up and want to look after you.

"What about me?"

"Nothing bad, sweetheart, promise. Just- I just don't like this."

And there it was. The bombshell that I had been expecting but in no way was prepared for.

"Like what?" I asked in a small voice, trying not to let my tears fall.

"I don't like kissing you and being close to you like this without you being officially mine. I don't like it. Call me old-fashioned, but right now all I want to do is go over to your house and ask your father for his blessing. Not that I wouldn't date you if he didn't give it but I- I just want to do this right. I feel like I have to be good enough for you to like me as much as I like you."

"That was what I was worried about," I blurted. "I didn't think that you liked me."

"God, princess," Ashton laughed. "I like you. It's official, Ashton Irwin really fucking likes Luke Hemmings. Me, a nineteen year old drummer who hasn't been in a proper relationship for years, likes the pretty blond next door who is far too polished for a punk like me."

"Maybe I like punks," I whispered, rolling over in his arms.

"Good," Ashton smirked, pulling me tighter into his skin. He closed his eyes and snuggled down onto his pillow after bringing a few soft blankets up and over us. "Goodnight, baby doll."


Ahhh, sorry for never updating!!!! life has been kicking my ass but thats okay because i finished this chapter and have written fifteen chapters for the un-released muke book and five chapters for the also un-released cashton book ^.^ I can't wait to publish them!!!!

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