Chapter 1 : Frat Party

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Derek walked into the frat house. The sound of loud music filled his ears. College students drinking and dancing filled the house from downstairs to upstairs. What a cliche. To Derek college parties were filled with shallow frat boys much like his friend Mark and curious girls that wouldn't know any better but he was dragged to yet another frat party. Derek and Mark were drinking their beer from their red cups, Mark was scoping out girls he could charm into hooking up with him. Derek drank his beer, dreading his existence entirely when a young woman caught his eye. She was wearing a black dress with strappy black heels. The crowd stopped him from seeing her face completely. Derek moved his head, trying to get a better look when finally most of the crowd cleared. Derek saw her for the first time. She was beautiful. He had to know her.

"Who's that?" Derek asked Mark, pointing to the young woman.

Mark finally saw who he was pointing to and immediately shut it down.

"No. No. No. Pick someone else. Anyone else."

"Why?" Derek asked.

"You're, no offense, boring. You want a girl to settle down with, marry, and have kids. Meredith Grey is the complete opposite. She's fun and wild."

Derek stopped listening to Mark as soon as he heard her name. Meredith. It slid off his tongue like butter. Like he was meant to say it.

"Plus she would never go out with you," Mark finished.

Derek was snapped out of his trance and finally registered the words that came out of Mark's mouth.

"Oh," Derek laughed, "She rejected you."

Mark looked over at Derek who was laughing hysterically.

"Fine. She did."

"Well then she's my kind of girl," Derek smirked. He followed her with his eyes as she got up and walked over to the giant metal keg closest to them. Derek finally saw his opportunity and began to walk towards her.

"She'll break you! Not in a good way either!" Mark yelled.

Derek rolled his eyes and continued to walk towards her. Meredith was too busy pouring herself a drink to even notice that Derek was right next to her. She stood back up, adjusting her posture and taking a sip of beer. Meredith finally noticed the strange man standing next to her and she wondered when he would start eliciting arrogant pick up lines like every guy that has ever talked to her. She had never met Derek, she had no idea how different he was.

"Hi," Derek smiled awkwardly.


"Do you go to school here?" Derek asked, trying to make polite conversation.

"Yeah," Meredith responded shortly. She turned the other way, trying to avoid him as nicely as she could.

"Ah. You're ignoring me," Derek said, taking a sip of his beer.

"Uh trying to," Meredith replied sassily.

"You shouldn't ignore me."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm someone you need to know to love."

The words escaped Derek's mouth and made her think. She turned to face him once again, trying her best to contain her smile. There was no reason why she should even continue to talk to him, he didn't deserve it. Meredith knew better than to waste her time talking to a stranger she just met but she couldn't help but melt at the goofy grin he wore across his face. Meredith sighed as she knew that this could be a mistake but she just had to know him.

"So if I know you I'll love you," Meredith smiled.

"Oh yes."

"You really like yourself huh," Meredith joked.

"Just hiding my pain."

Derek received a laugh from Meredith. His knees went weak as the sound of her laughter rang through his ears. He barely knew her and all he wanted to do was make her laugh over and over again, just to hear it.

"Derek," He stook out his hand waiting for her to shake it.

"Meredith," She responded. Meredith shook his hand, his thumb caressed hers ever so lightly. Both of them, mesmerized by the light in eachothers eyes, failing to realize they were still surrounded by many college drunks. This could be a mistake. Mark could be right, but Derek was intrigued by the woman standing in front of him, of her intelligence and beauty. He had to know her, and frankly she had to know him.

A/N: new story. Hope you liked it. Let me know if I should continue. Thank you for reading!

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