Chapter 3 : First Day

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Meredith's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the golden light that beamed through the windows. Meredith looked down at the arm splayed across her waist. Confusion swarmed Meredith's head. Her questions were answered when she looked up and saw the man from last night sleeping peacefully. Meredith looked around the room, her eyes met the clock from across the room.

"Crap," Meredith said as she quickly got up.

Meredith grabbed the blanket on the floor and wrapped it around herself, she then grabbed a pillow and dropped it to cover the man's private area. The man woke up, startled.

"You have to go."

"Why don't you come back down here and we'll finish what we started," The man smirked.

"No, really, you have to. It's my first day of my senior year in college and I'm late. So goodbye... um-"


"Right. Meredith," she smiled, "Bye Derek."

Meredith ran up the stairs, took a shower, and got dressed. She quickly made a cup of coffee and ran out the door. She couldn't believe she was late for her first day of senior year. Medical school had been kicking her ass and residency was only going to be harder. Meredith ran through the hallways, brushing past students as she rushed to her first class of the day. Meredith sighed in relief as she saw the classroom she was supposed to be in about 20 minutes ago. She opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Of course, she had failed to do so.

"Nice of you to join us Meredith."

Meredith turned around slowly to face the upset professor, "Sorry sir, won't happen again."

Meredith darted to the only open seat she could find. She pulled out the text book from her book bag and flipped it open. The class was intimidating. Meredith was almost finished with medical school, supposedly gaining knowledge but she was extremely lost. Most of the time she didn't know what she was even doing there.

"Meredith, can you tell us what structure contributes to both the pelvic inlet and outlet?"

Meredith snapped out of her daydream. Crap. She zoned out.

"Uh," Meredith panicked. Not knowing the answer.

"God this is embarrassing," Meredith whispered to herself quietly. Which wasn't so quiet.

"What?" The professor asked, trying to make out what she just said.

"Uh sorry-"

"Pubic symphysis," a young man answered.

Meredith looked around to find the young man but only saw the back of his head. His hair, something was so familiar about his hair.

"Thank you Derek," The professor smiled.

Derek. Finally it clicked. He was the man from last night.

"Class dismissed."

Derek got up and exited the classroom. Meredith quickly ran after him. Derek was walking contently alone when he felt someone grab his arm. Suddenly he was being pulled into an empty classroom.

"Are you following me?" Meredith accused him.

"Me? You're the one who showed up to class after me."

"So not the point," Meredith argued.

"Oh don't flatter yourself okay. It's just a coincidence," Derek smirked, moving closer to Meredith.

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you've seen me naked. Stop trying to seduce me," Meredith stormed out of the classroom.

"You're the one who kidnapped me into this classroom," Derek snapped back, not noticing that she had already left. Derek sighed and left the class room. It was true, he hadn't followed her but he had been thinking about her all day. He was relieved to see her walk into his class that morning, he thought that he would never see her again. Although the Meredith he had encountered not too long ago and the Meredith last night were two totally different people. He didn't care, she was equally as intriguing. Derek finally got to his next class, all the seats were filled up besides one. He walked to the open seat but there was a backpack on it.

"Hi, is anyone sitting here?" Derek asked the young woman who was faced the other way.

"No sorry," The woman turned to face him and her jaw dropped. "Oh you've got to be kidding me."

A/N: Who is the young woman?  Thank you for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed!

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