Ch 1

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My head swayed from side to side and my eyes split open ever so slightly. The light in the room was blinding and I could feel someone gently shaking me as my eyes attempted to focus on the colorful blurs around me. My head throbbed as I slowly sat up on the couch I had fallen asleep on.

"Time to eat," a voice said gently. I opened my eyes completely and tried to focus on the blob in front of me. I could make out my sister's features even though I was being blinded by whatever light she had turned on.

I nodded to her in response and stood up from the couch. I tried to take a step forward but almost collapsed from my dizziness. My sister was there to catch me though, thank god. She helped me make it from our living room couch to the kitchen where my mom had just finished setting the table for dinner.

"Lizzie I told you not to wake him!" my mother groaned to my sister.

"I thought he'd want to eat," my sister replied as she helped me into my chair.

"Are you hungry Grayson?" my mom said sweetly, "do you want to try and eat some toast? Maybe an egg?"

"Toast please" I signed in reply.

"He said toast please," my sister translated.

"I know what he said sweetheart. Go ahead and start eating before it gets cold," my mom said as she dug through the fridge for bread.

Maybe a formal introduction is in order? I'm Grayson, and I'm a mute. Couldn't speak when I was born, couldn't speak when I was four, couldn't speak now. People often assume that because I can't speak I can't hear, which is entirely incorrect, I can hear quite well actually.

My mother swayed her tail as she set down a plate of toast in front of me.

"Stop if you start to feel sick," my mom said, "I'll take your temperature again when you're done eating."

I'm the only one in my family to get my mother's spots. My father is a lion and my mom is a leopard, miraculously, I am the only one to get my mother's features. We both have the same skinny tail, and long legs but a short torso, I even got her eyes. To be quite honest, I didn't get anything from my dad, except maybe his build. Tall, broad shoulders, surprisingly good jawline. That's all I've ever gotten from him though, both genetically and literally.

I took a small bite of my toast and chewed on it for a sec. Then I took another. And another. And another until the whole thing was gone. When I finished I pushed my plate away and tapped my sister on the shoulder. I did the sign for "done" and she collected the plate and brought it to the sink.

"Go lie down again and I'll be right over," my mom said as she placed several dirty dishes into the dish washer.

I slowly stood up from my chair and stumbled back over to the couch. My mother walked around the breakfast bar with a thermometer in her hand. She pushed a little button and stuck it under my tongue, then she went back into the kitchen to finish up cleaning. When the thermometer beeped about thirty seconds later, my mom came back and checked it.

"Well, you're still running a fever," she said as she placed a hand to my forehead, "lie back down for a while and see if you can keep the toast down."

I nodded and slowly leaned back onto the couch. I grabbed the remote and started flipping through channels as my mom and sister finished up in the kitchen. My sister retreated to her room and my mom sat in one of our arm chairs by the couch. There was nothing good on TV so I just settled for some Jeopardy.

I've always dreamed about being on one of these shows, but that would be extremely difficult given my situation. But it wouldn't be entirely impossible.

"I want you to take a bath ok honey," my mom said quietly, "I'm sure you'll feel better once you get cleaned up a bit."

I slightly nodded to my mom and she stood up from the chair.

"I'm gonna go start the bath, I'll be right back."

While my mom was gone setting up my bath I slowly sat back up on the couch. I was still feeling extremely dizzy and I could feel my stomach gurgling. I'm not sure if it wants more food or if it's getting ready to regurgitate my dinner. My mom came back a couple of minutes later and helped me into the bathroom. Of course I'm not going to let her bathe me, but I did need a little help making it from point A to point B.

My mom left the bathroom and I stripped and climbed into the tub. She even put bubbles in it, I love bubbles. I just sat in the warm water and played with the bubbles. Yes I am 16. Yes I still play with bubbles in my bubble bath. Yes I still take bubble baths. Eventually I got bored and just sat. There was no point in trying to get my mom's attention, I knew she'd be back in a few minutes. So instead I just closed my eyes and dozed off in my bubble bath.

At least there were still bubbles when my mom came to check on me.

Lol KingSquishySquish
Just gonna leave this sole chapter here all I probs could get the whole thing if I texted him

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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