Cheryl last part (5)

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"What do you mean?" was something wrong with her mom, did she need help, that is all I can think of.

"Is your mom ok?" "My mom is fine, I- I don't know where to start." She huffed out

"Ok well what started all of this?" I wanted to help

And from there she took me form the start.After our fight she meet her mom's new boyfriend and at first that he was nice but he was trying to control her. When she put him in his place, he made it to bigger than what it was, thus leading her mom say 'stop making him feel uncomfortable'.

"Gosh y/n, I am so sorry-"

"Oh that's not all, it got worse to the point I had to get an apartment and I couldn't even go to my house because he moved in. Today I went to get the rest of my things and he saw me called me a bi*ch and told me that I am unwanted, both and my parents don't want me and to top all of my mom said nothing but 'please leave'." At this point she was sobbing

I didn't even know what to say

"She didn't even run after me, does she not want me?" she sobbed out

At that moment I felt horrible, she needed me and I wasn't there.

" y/n, you are worth more than anything. And if she doesn't see that her lost, you have many people who love you and know how much just your presence is worth. You just have to see it." 


" well, you want a milkshake? I am tired of crying and hungry" we both laughed

I felt able to breath again

Cheryl was here and even if my mom closed the door on our relationship

Cheryl fixed the door on ours
she is my family.

I sorry this is short but I felt as if I dragged it on. But I can do like a year later or whatever if you guys want. Thanks!

Hey guys the next part will be out on Sunday 4/11/21 sorry for it being late I just had a rough time trying to get words out.

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