Denki Kaminari- purely physical

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I really wish I could use my quirk, I think about all the ways I could beat Bakugo's ass with my quirk, distracting myself. Bakugo sweeps my leg making me fall to the hard ground. he smirks and stares into my eyes with his ruby red ones as he grabs my wrists pinning them above my head. I gulp, taking notice of our closeness. he squeezes my wrists and leans close to me, his hot breath on my ear,

"I remember the last time I saw you in this position." I think back to when he walked in on my and Denki, my boyfriend, on my bed, in this position, with a lot less clothes on. I shudder at the feeling of him being this close. I've liked Bakugo since we all started hitting puberty, but it's purely sexual. nothing has changed, I just have a boyfriend now.

"could you not bring that up every chance you get. I bet Denki hates it just as much." bakugo leans back, straddling my waist, I once again gulp.

"I don't bring it up around him, dumbass. I only bring it up around you because I like seeing the way it gets you all flustered." he winks at me and gets up walking over to his water bottle. I groan and roll my eyes. I look at him as he drinks his water and almost faint at the sight before me. Katsuki tipping his head back with his water to his mouth, some leaking out of the side of his mouth. It drips down his face to his neck. he's literally dripping in sex appeal.

"hey guys! y/n you ready to go?" I look away from the wet dream two feet away from me, to see my adoring boyfriend walking over to me. "h-hey, baby! yeah I'm ready, I need to shower before we hang" I give him a bright smile, I am happy to see him and I am very much in love with him, but am I really? why would there be a second choice if I was truly in love with Denki. technically bakugo was the first choice, ugh I'm so confused. Denki puts out a hand to help me up. I gladly take it. he pulls me up way to fast causing me to slam into him. we both laugh as we stumble a bit. out of the corner of my eye I see bakugo huff and roll his eyes. I ignore it.

~~time skip~~

"hey y/n?" I look down towards sparky below me. he's playing some video game while I play with his hair. he's leaning on the bed while I sit on the side and drape my legs over his shoulders. "yeah, baby." he smiles at the nickname. he looks up at me, our eyes meeting. "have you ever thought of having a threesome?" I choke on my spit. "w-what?" he smirks, he loves when he gets me flustered. I focus back on his hair with a faint blush on my cheeks. he continues to look at me, amused by me. "um yeah I have, a lot actually." it's true, I think about him and bakugo railing the shit out of me quite frequently during class. "oh have you now?" he slowly gets up turning his body towards me. he sits up on his knees. "you daydream about sucking bakugo's dick while I pound you from the back? is that what you think about?" I look up at him with wide eyes. "I , well, I maybe. how did you know that?" he puts his hands on my thighs squishing them.

"I'm not stupid y/n. I see the way you look at him. I saw you guys in the gym, training." he saying training with a sneer, because to him it probably looked like flirting. "I saw the way he pinned you down whispered something in your ear. probably got you wet didn't it?" I don't answer, it's to embarrassing. he grabs my, chin forcing me to look at him. I gulp out of nervousness. "I wouldn't let him fuck you, but I would let him watch. watch you moan my name. watch the way your whole body shakes when you cum on just my fingers." my breath hitches at his words.

he sighs, looking down. "listen y/n, I don't want you training with him anymore. I'm not telling you not to, I'm just saying there's obviously something there and I'm not ready to lose you just yet. "he looks back at me, I see tears in his eyes. "baby, I'm not gonna leave you, I love you." his eyes widen. we haven't said it yet, but I now know. I love this boy with all my heart. "I've been attracted to bakugo since I knew what sex was, but there's no feelings there just pure physical attraction. I don't love him. I love you. I love every thing about you. I love you even when you are constantly making dirty jokes and being a little bit of a perv." he rolls his eyes with a small smile. I grab the sides of his face. "YOU are the one I want. never question that. and you're not losing me just because some hot guy flirts with me thinking he'll get something out of it. he won't, as long as we're still together no one but you will get something out of flirting." he smiles a big wide smile at me.

"just so we're clear, that threesome is not happening."

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