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       As we played the game, he lost that smug smile.

It was absolutely amazing to see him slowly loose his confidence and become desperate to win.

My father loved darts, I've been playing darts since I was 10, no way you can win baby.

And as expected he lost the game.

"Woah Bonnie that was fabulous. You play well, I did not at all expect that", Matt said.

A small crowd had gathered around us by that time. They all clapped and whistled every time I hit bulls eye.

       "Now that she has  beat us I think she deserves a treat", again Matt announced.

"No, no that's fine. I just wanted to whip your asses, I'm content with the win", I reply.

       "Enzo be a gentleman and treat her somewhere nice", Matt seems to be persistent.

"Dude she beat all of us, why am I the only one who pays for the loss?", Enzo replies sourly.

       "Because she won at your party! It's your kid's birthday, be generous",

"Generous my ass", he whispered under his breath. 

"It's fine Enzo you don't have to worry about it", I try to diffuse the situation.

And then I mingle with the other dad and their kids, it's fun to talk about stuff that you totally don't relate to. And each and every one of them has a scary dad story.

Like the one time when Ethan climbed up the kitchen and sat on the electric stove, the said stove was on.

Or when Trish had half of the milk carton down her throat because someone told her that milk at the bottom tasted different.

Or when Camilla won't come out of washing machine, their stories were endless. I was laughing so hard the entire time.

Through all this Enzo was taking care of the kids, filling our emptied glasses and plates.

Looking like a snack in black leather jacket and same coloured shirt underneath, he was doing all the chores and managing all of us well.

We'd be picture perfect together. Woaaahh! I need to stop that train of thought.
Just as I am about to take my eyes off him, he glances towards me. Our eyes meets for a moment before I take them off. Shit! Now he will probably think that I was looking at him. (which I was, but I don't want him to know!)

I finish my drink and get up to leave. It's been a long day and I want my bed.

I bid my adieu to men and then to the children.

Then I look for the host of the party, who's nowhere to be seen.

I find him on the back porch talking to somebody.

"You should have come today. He kept asking about you", a pause, then,

"Yeah sure, should have prepared a better excuse. I don't want to talk to you right now. Good night."

It was definitely a woman. Perhaps, Trevor's mom? But I've never seen her around. Not even once. Trevor talks about a lot of things but he never mentions his mother. Did they end up on a bad note or something?

After making sure that the call was over, I make my way outside and tell him,

"Enzo, I'm leaving now"

"Okay. It was really nice of you to come. I know that Trevor loved it"

"Thanks I enjoyed myself too"


I turned back to leave, still thinking about the woman on the other side of the call.

He calls my name. Looking uncomfortable he asks,

"So would you like to have that treat at 'Mystic Grills'?"

Cute, I think. For all the manliness that he possess, I like that he's a bit shy.

"Sure. How about at 7 tomorrow?"

"Works for me. And Trevor"

I smile at his implied meaning. I know it's not a date Enzo.

"See you tomorrow. Good night"

He smiles at me.

His smile.

So handsome.

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