Part Six: Barker - The Evidence

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North side of The Inner 66 HQ - 15 minutes before The Attack


Fear. We all have one and some have many. What is your fear? A giant spider crawling up your spine? A thousand needles sticking and stabbing into your face? Or do you have a fear of becoming obsolete in the eyes of your loved ones and in the end you are left all alone with no road to go? No matter who you are, We are all controlled by fear like we are puppets. Everyday we succumb to it, no matter the situation. On the outside, Innersloth has brought only happiness, hope and prosperity to society. However behind the stage's curtain, they destroy lives and alter them forever.

We have been on a small lookout for the past ten minutes, kneeling down and scoping out the headquarters. We observed points of interest like entries and the patrol routes of the guards and we analysed what the best entry would be. We attempted to talk as quietly as we could and still be comprehensive at the same time. I looked behind us to see our gear: reusable taser guns, a rope with a grapple on it and a scanning grid that could find the control room, which we could use to find the server room. From there, we were going to download everything on the servers onto a computer with an external hard drive because we knew that we were going to need the extra storage. We'd then escape undetected and expose Innersloth with what we have found.

I looked back at Toast, blonde hair dripping down her face as she looked through a pair of binoculars. She pushed it back, revealing deep blue eyes and fair skin. She rubbed at the band-aid on her jawline and put the binoculars in a backpack. She turned to me to give a final verdict of the plan.

"I think we should go underneath the watchtower and use the grappling hook to enter from up there. I think we should go this way because from what I see, the watchtowers are actually connected to the main building. So if we get past the first guard on the watchtower, it will be easy to get into the main facility." She pulled out the scanning grid and after 15 minutes, she finally scanned the building.

"Great!" She exclaimed quietly, wary of being detected. "The scanner indicates that the Control room is on the top floor, conveniently that's where we will be when we enter. Unfortunately, we have to improvise the next part of the plan as we don't know exactly where the server room is. But we have two choices. We can leave from the bottom, and sneak out via a small crack in the wall." She pointed at the crack in the wall and nodded my head.

"The other option is to go back the way we came. We can use the grappling hook again and slide down a rope like we were firefighters sliding down a pole." I laughed at her reference and I nodded in agreement.

"Ready to expose these guys?" Toast asked me, excitedly and I looked at her with a hidden apprehension in my eyes, masked by determination.

"Let's do this." I exclaimed. I picked up the gear that was wedged in between the two of us and we started down the small hill. We ducked and weaved through the spotlight and I readied both of the tasers. I gave one of the tasers to Toast and she attached a sight to it. We hid behind a rock and she aimed and tased the man on the watchtower. His body shook and his muscles contorted and moments later he collapsed onto the ground. We continued to move closer to the watchtower and we slammed into the wall quietly, using it as a guide to get to our destination.

We had arrived, directly underneath the watchtower. I readied the grappling hook and I swung it around like a cowgirl, swirling a lasso around her head. I threw it up in the air and metal hit metal. I pulled on the rope which didn't budge. I smiled and started to climb up the rope to get to the top of the watchtower.

We struggled to get to the top however with a surge of adrenaline, we got there. I put my hands on my knees in an attempt to catch my breath. Toast patted me on the back, smiling and laughing quietly.

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