Part ten: Axel - The Demon

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Home - New York City - 17th October 2820 - 5:00am

Anger. The hardest feeling to overcome for some while some people don't feel it at all. Well that's a lie; we all feel the hunger, chaos and turmoil that comes with anger. The only difference of anger is the way that we project it.

The way that New York has vented its anger was to set it all alight. Innersloth had just set up their newest headquarters in New York and due to everything they had done in the past eight years, they were under too much pressure and were about to collapse; The rogue company that went against the governments was finally crumbing. It made my hands cold with sweat. The only hope for a new society was to be ruined by people who didn't want to evolve.

At one point, the riots were to seize control of the city and eradicate Innersloth from New York. But now it's become a bloodbath and it's every man for himself. No one ever wanted to work for a greater cause, they just wanted a means of destroying and killing. One of the greatest and grandest cities in the entire world had descended into a pit of bloodlust and insanity.

The city had been put into a lockdown. Anyone who tried to leave the main island would be killed. The city had been rampant for the entire weekend, but now with it being Monday, we were to go to school. You would think they'd cancel it? But apparently not.

Maybe it's for something more than just going to school. I thought to myself.

I woke early in the morning due to loud crashes in the kitchen. I rubbed my face. My room was still pitch black so I turned on my lamp to light it up and I saw that Anonymous, my best friend, was already awake. He was missing from his bed and it would certainly explain the smashing that was coming from the kitchen. I heard another crash then a scream.

"Why aren't you boiling the fucking water!?" Anonymous screamed which was muffled due to the door that stood in front of us. Another smash muffled itself through the house. I quickly dressed myself and ran outside to see the kitchen turned upside down and Anonymous crying in the corner of the kitchen in a ball. I quickly paced towards him and sat next to him. He looked at me and I smiled at him. He then buried his head into his knees again.

"I'm sorry for waking you." He said sheepishly. He slowly rose and began to clean up the mess he started and I began to help him.

"What's on your mind?" I asked him nervously, apprehensive of what he had to say.

"I know why they want us to go." He said, "and it's making me nervous. I'm an early bird, and they kept telling us to go onto emails to find out new information about coming back to school, remember?" He took a long pause as he cleaned up the kettle and put it back on its holder.

"They've planned an evacuation." He began. "They've planned an evacuation. The email said that there are several secret tunnels under Manhattan. There are 15 different secret entries into these tunnels that will get us out of the island. One of those secret entries are in New York University, ." Anonymous's mind wandered when he became so invested in his theories about how Innersloth isn't what they said they were, however the reasons he had to justify them were scarily accurate but ominous all the same.

"So, they expect us to run through the dilapidated city, and evacuate from there?" I asked confused, "A lot of people will die just trying. It's like the purge out there. Why not just drop the location of all the entries to these tunnels and people can find their way?"

"I don't know. I'm guessing it's because they don't know the other locations. However, there is some stuff that I don't understand. But it doesn't matter. We just need to get out of here now."

I was still confused but he began to frantically pack a bag full of essential items: food, water, clothes, hygiene supplies and extra pairs of shoes. I still was confused with what he was going on about, so I logged into my laptop and went onto the emails in order to see it for myself, and sure enough, he was right.

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