Part nine: Kooki - The Liberator

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Tucson, Arizona - 12th July 2815 - 11:45pm

"For the revolution!!" A cheer erupted throughout the bar. I raised my glass and toasted with them. This was our biggest victory yet. We had successfully taken over Tucson, the city before Phoenix. We were nearing our goal everyday.

Innersloth. Masters of propaganda and deception. They had successfully promoted their company into terraforming a new planet. Men, women and in some cases, children enrolled in rows to help with humanity's next evolution. But, I guess they didn't expect they would get the amount of support they were going to get and there weren't enough spaces on their precious ships.

They liberated Phoenix and used the city for their main base of operations, where all the other recruits went to wait for their missions to begin. We were curious to what was happening behind the newly erected walls of Phoenix, so we flew a drone into the main compound and we found what was truly happening.

So, what did they do with all of these people, waiting around, doing nothing?

They turned them into slaves. Every single one of them. They mine for oil, they build more ships and what's their reward? A slice of fucking bread. It made us sick to our stomach and with there being about 80,000 people on this our of the spectrum, we thought it would be a good idea to storm Phoenix and liberate the slaves.

And that's how we got here.

A monotonous buzz of people talking to one another filled the bar's empty atmosphere. Tucson has been a ghost town ever since we liberated it.

"Man, we actually did it!" I exclaimed to Jorge, my best buddy. With dark, frizzy hair and a bushy beard, you either confused him as a Mexican or a caveman. He always wore his red and white patterned poncho and he smiled at me shyly.

"Not a surprise to me honestly." He replied, tapping his feet quietly as he spoke "I mean, there's what? 80,000 of us? Taking Phoenix though? That will be a different story." He gave me a timid look and looked out the muggy window where horses and buggies mingled with each other. No one knew how to park their vehicles or horses properly nowadays.

"Still! We did it. But now we rest for a day I guess. It's been a long few days." I sighed and he smiled at me.

"What are you gonna do after this is all done?" Jorge asked me after some time had passed. I brought my hand to my chin and thought of the most simple answer.

"I guess I'll help occupy the city until I find where I wanna go." I suggested.

"I like that idea." He replied.

"Do you really think we can liberate Phoenix?"

"What came first, the chicken or the egg?"

"I don't know... What's your point?"

"Well, I don't know if we'll be able to liberate it. Only time will tell."

I rose to stretch. Suddenly, the man in charge of the revolution, Greg, stood on a table and began to speak.

"Well, well! We did it! We've liberated the first city!" Another elating cheer erupted. It slowed when he put his hand up to speak again.

"We are not done yet however!" He continued, "This is what we've worked for and I know we can do this! But before we all go to bed, we need to go over the plan. We will go over it a few more times before we reach the city however I'll let you guys here know so you have a rough idea of what is going to happen."

He proceeded to explain the plan. There was to be two groups, the excavators and the sky-splitters. Using giant drills attached to trucks that were found in a warehouse in Tucson, the excavators would use these behemoths to dig holes underneath the wall. Why underneath and not just through the wall? Because they are slow and would be obliterated by the rail-guns that were mounted on the top of the wall.

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