Chapter II

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Trials and Trollbulations

Ugaburk marched to the rear of the party, great sword over one shoulder and shield across his back as his thundering footsteps shook the earth. His pace was deliberate and shallow, not because of cowardice or any other unchivalrous reasons that flew in the face in the tenants of the Red Knight but simply because the rest of his party was already struggling to keep up with him. The bard and sage's faces were already red with sweat and exhaustion and the rogue whose natural infernal heritage hid her exhaustion couldn't hide her light sway as she struggled to remain conscious after such an intense walk.

'That's it!' Faehana finally declared 'I'm had it. I'm stopping' he declared quite loudly. Ugaburk quickly internalised his sigh, I miss breaking in newly minted pages he thought to himself at least they don't complain half as much as this he mused as he lowered to one knee, his plated armour flexing with the crisp sound of metal on metal as he did, at the sudden halt Farren took the cue, unslung her lute and threw herself into the soft grass beside the path, her braided ponytail flicked away as the exposed back of her halter neck touched the deep green grass followed by a quiet giggle. Kalwala merely sighed and leaned up against a tree as Faehana struggled to remove his faetel, his elven bows wrapped neatly around his body and making his task even more herculean than it should've been. As the sage finally unwrapped himself from his belongings Farren lifted herself back up and looked across the pathway.
'There are people!' she called out with excitement before throwing herself back to her feet. Ugaburk looked at her confused as she rushed away. Seemingly rejuvenated by the sight of others.

'Lyth Fae's going to get herself killed' Faehana muttered under his breath as he collected his things and rose to his feet following her

'You are the one who offered' reminded Kalwala

'Actually-' Faehana began before being interrupted

'But you said yes' she retorted before jogging off. As the party crested the slight incline, they finally saw what Farren had noticed. Arrayed in a circle of blankets and bedrolls sat 6 woodcutters, their haul of logs stacked neatly atop a cart and tucked away to the side. The woodcutters looked up from their campfire at the new arrivals.

'Good day, my masters' Ugaburk began, his voice crisp.

'Ai, good day to ye' replied the woodcutters in unison. One of the woodcutters frowned as they gestured to sit.

'What brings likes of ye folks out into these forests?' he inquired with a curious tone. At this, the rogue spoke first.

'We're tracking a blacksmith who left his village in the dark of night against his will, his eyes glowing' she explained.

'Ay, wellaway we too lost cutters to the nights' possession. Oliva of Skuld and Gervase of Calimport' the cutter solemnly reported. Ugaburks brow narrowed.

'Where were they headed?'

'Towards the troll, if I's remember right' interjected another cutter, his index finger pointing along the roadway.

'Well that looks to be where we'll be going,' Kalwala confirmed as she rose from the ground. Ugaburk quickly followed her lead and soon with irritated sharpness so too did Faehana

'Good luck with the Troll, he don' take kindly to ignored tribute!' called out another of the woodcutters.

'We'll keep that in mind!' Kalwala called out, not turning to face them as Ugaburk followed closely behind her, Faehana sulking into his notebook as Farren's arms waved in a wide arc, her feet skipping over rocks as she walked backwards. As Farren spun back to face the party her brow furrowed as she looked at the sulking sage, his pack held by Ugaburk and the heels of his feet dragging through the earth as he was gently dragged along.

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