Chapter IV

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Seeds downwind

The party strode towards Baum Shire, its simple thatch-roofed housing and ever-present plumes of smoke a welcome relief from the gloomy gothic ruins of the Church of Doors. To the front of the party led Faehana and Kalwala with the 5 freed captives walking steadily in the middle with Ugaburk bringing the rear. As they continued to approach the shire, Kalwala slowly turned to the robed sage 'So... we've got four peasants more than we were signed on to pick up' Kalwala began as they continued to approach the shire, Faehana rolled his eyes as he answered the unspoken question.

'And let me guess? You're trying to figure out how to get a cut from the shire for their rescue?' Faehana inquired bitterly. Kalwala's face contorted into a snarl of insult, her tail whipping in agreeance.

'No! I was going to ask if it would be easier to return them to the shire at the town square, so we didn't have to chase down their individual families!' she replied, her insult clear across her face. To this Faehana's jawline twisted in confusion, he was about to speak when Kalwala rapidly added.

'Then we should pressure the alderman to pay us for the extra four' at this Faehana released a sigh.

'There it is...' he mumbled in seeming disappointment. At that Kalwala recoiled again in shock.

'What were you expecting? I may be kind but I'm not altruistic, a girls gotta get by somehow' she said with a tone of facetious snootiness. The rest of the trip into the shire went on unspoken. As they entered the shire, they spotted Ailwin's Blacksmith Apprentice crossing the street 'You!' called out Kalwala, her hand rising to point as she did, the apprentice didn't notice so she called out again 'Blacksmiths Apprentice!' at this he spun on his heels and locked eyes with Kalwala before his gaze loosened and he saw the stumbling man behind her, with a grin of excitement he rushed over 'Miss Hunter youse found Master Ailwin!' he exclaimed.

'Where's Mistress Sabelina? Is she back at the forge?' Kalwala inquired.

'A, a, nos Miss Hunter, goodwife Sabelina's in's the markets' the apprentice stutter over more words 'Nears the town squares y'knows?' he added pointing tentatively towards the centre of the small shire 'Is hard to finds somtimes I knows,' he said with renewed confidence.

'Then go get her!' Kalwala hissed with a snap to her voice 'He's in no condition to walk here and back and we want to make sure he gets home!' she barked. Startled by the snap the Apprentice stared for a moment before stumbling over a series of incoherent words and rushing off to get Sabelina. Moments later he came rushing back, Sabelina's cry echoed out followed by her calfskin shoes clattering across the stone roadway, her kirtles skirt tucked in her hands as she ran, tears streaming down her face as she saw her gaunt husband. She rushed past Faehana and Kalwala and gently embraced Ailwin, his skin still cold to the touch. After a moment she turned,

'Thank the gods you found Ailwin!' she proclaimed, clasping each of the party's hands as she spoke. In each palm she left them a bag of 5 Gold Dragons before guiding her husband into their house, the Blacksmiths Apprentice following behind.

'Well that went well' mused Kalwala before turning towards the town square 'Right, let's get the rest of them to the town square and the Alderman' she began. At that Faehana began to shake his head.

'No, I don't think so. At least I won't be joining you, I have to get these materials mailed off to Waterdeep immediately' Faehana explained with an air of urgency in his voice. Kalwala merely gave a mental shake of her head at the notion that old papers would be urgent. Kalwala paused for a moment turning to face the tower Half-Orc behind her.

'So, what's your plan? Does the Sage need you to protect him from papercuts?' She asked dryly.

'Red Knight give me strength, I'm not his butler. I need a meal and ale to clean the palate' he said directly. With a subtle scowl, the pair departed in opposite directions. Of the three of them, only Ugaburk had successfully gotten what they'd wanted. Kalwala, with the talk of food, had herself become restless, the thought of a cold, blood-soaked meal tantalising to the soul. To make matters worse the Alderman was smarter than she'd anticipated and while he'd appreciated her efforts, he wasn't paying her a single piece of coin because no official bounty had been issued and some of the survivors weren't even from Baum Shire. As for the Sage, he had started a long drawn out argument with the master of the post on the finer points of academic tax exemptions that ended also in futility at the request of an Academy Ring to prove his claimed academic background. Being, a recent graduate only now beginning his Masters of Philological Evocation meant that he had no such ring and as such was out of luck. Coupled with this, the shire lacked any armed convoys to safely escort the material as such the best the wizard could afford to do was sent a report to Waterdeep informing them of his situation and its delicate cargo. With grumbling and frustration, he tossed the coins to the master of the post and stormed out of the office. Officially agitated and starving the party met up in Baum Shires tavern.

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