Chapter IX

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Paperwork and pretentions

Faehana strode along with the hewn stone of Cliffton Academies campus, students and constables roamed the expansive plot of land, research assistants rushed to and fro ever late and always overburdened. A swell of emotions washed over Faehana as the familiar called back in reply. In contrast, Ugaburk stood bolt still, his feet seizing before resuming as he spotted the building labelled Faculty of Anthropological and Philological Studies. With a barely contained glee, Faehana pushed through the heavy doors and stepped into the building's reception. Before them sat a petite clerk surrounded by shelves of paperwork and two doorways on either side, one leading left towards the offices and another leading right towards the research facilities and secure vault rooms.

'Name and purpose for visit,' the clerk said with the dispassionate boredom of an academy staff worker.

'Faehana of Cliffton Academy, to see Professor Cliffton of Cliffton Academy,' the wizard dutifully reported.

'One moment,' the clerk replied before leading into a pile of paperwork 'He's in his office currently, checked in some few moments past, go on through,' she finished, her eyes never rising from her paperwork as she spoke. A curt thank you rolled from Faehana as he stepped left towards the offices, followed by a bemused Ugaburk a moment later. The pair strode through musty halls, the faint orange glow of afternoon light slicing in via light shafts, the smell of ancient papers and wood assaults on the senses as the two of them slipped up a staircase towards a large wooden door.

A series of thumps later a bellowing voice called from behind the door. 'Ah, yes come in!' at that the pair stepped through the doorway into a musky room cluttered with scrolls and other works of documentation 'Faehana!' called a broad fellow in the deep white and gold robes of a Cliffton Academy Professor. 'How have you been Faehana?!' he asks through his intense red beard, its thick layers flexing with his speech.

'Absolutely ravenous Professor Cliffton! I've found so much philological variation, but I haven't the time to properly catalogue it!' Faehana said with emphatic frustrating excitement.

Cliffton frowned before asking 'What has kept your time if not philological research?'

'A Necromancer down past Baum Shire has been terrorising the region so I, my Cleric guardian and a few other folks have been tracking the witch,'

With Faehana's report, Cliffton's eyes continue to narrow 'Did you find the necromancer?'

'We found her forsooth, holed up out of a Church of Doors creating an army of undead from villagers,'

'Did you find any materials? Research?' Cliffton asks almost conspiratorially.

'Oh yes! We backtracked and located the necromancer's manor and found a number of resources!' Faehana piped up with excitement as he tucked into his faetel to pull out the recovered documents.

'Obviously, most of the books are well beyond my skill nor would I have the strength to restrain myself so I haven't ordained to read any of them but I did notice this map refers to a Necropolis out past Gipfell if that has any meaning to you,' Cliffton's eyes widen as he sees the documentation before settling down once more.

'Hmm... no, it means naught. The Necropolis is mere fantastical tale conjured up by the hallucinations of dwarves,' he finally said in a dismissive tone.

At this Faehana frowned 'that's strange because this necromancer seemed to think it existed as it dominated all of her cartographic research,'

'Well then they shall be looking till the end of time or whenever they decide to give up the ghost as The Necropolis simply doesn't exist,' Cliffton said, a hint of indignation crawling into his words as he said it. Recognising the bite to his words Cliffton quickly changed topics 'But! These manuscripts are an exceptional find! This could set our academic explorations ahead by centuries!' exclaimed Cliffton. This drew a frown to both Faehana and Ugaburk.

'Will this be used to combat the enemy though?' Ugaburk asked into the pause.

At this Cliffton's face twisted to frown, his jawline tightening before his jovial speech resumed. 'Oh of course, of course! On another note, would you be so gracious as to introduce me to your Cleric Guardian?!'

In a moment of blissful ignorance, Faehana leapt into the silence 'Of course, verily this is Sir Ugaburk, Knight of the Red Lady,' At this Ugaburk placed a fist to his chest, the metallic gauntlet clanging against the metal cuirass.

'An honour to make your acquaintance Master Scholar,' the half-orc said in as sharp a tone as he could muster. At this Cliffton simply resumed scowling before breaking the expression.

'I see that you have availed your services to my peer. I am glad to see the world order continues to allocate half breeds like yourself to stations of yours in service to the needs of academia,' with a tone of certainty and acceptance. A frown of confusion arced across Faehana before his mind once again wandered.

'Will, the Academy pay for any of these books? I am thoroughly beside myself to continue my research and any finances the Academy could offer would be greatly appreciated!' he declared in the awkward silence.

'Ah yes of course! The Academy can spare fifty gold for your services rendered, talk to reception on your way out they will have the funds removed from the treasury for your collection at the desk, now I don't mean to be discourteous but I do have a lecture in another twenty minutes that I must get to final preparations for, is there anything else you needed of me?' he asked leaning his elbows on his desk as he did.

'Yes...' Faehana began nervously 'Would it be possible to get an Academy ring? I tried sending the materials I discovered via the post, but they would not believe me that I was of Waterdeep,'

A grimace arced across Cliffton as he heard the question 'You know Waterdeep's policy on Academy rings they are powerful symbols of us and misused can bring disreputation to our fine institution in ways that we could not sustain, give it a few more years and I should ordain to give you an Academy ring,' he explained, the wizard slumped in disappointment before bolting upright and slipping out of his chair.

'Well I shall leave you to it, Professor Cliffton,' Faehana said as he slipped out of the office, Ugaburk behind him. The duo retraced their steps out of the Anthropological and Philological Faculty to the reception. There they patiently awaited the 50-gold dragon's arrival and departed in near silence when they finally did.

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