Ghost of you

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Loose rocks crumbled and fell away, a storm of dust and stone cascading around them. A painful grimace tattooed itself across the ex-soldier's face, his metal fingers clinging desperately to the edge of the cliff. He was vaguely aware of his right arm going numb. Attached to the end of his right arm Athena looked up at him calmly, acceptance written all over her pale yet bloody face.

'Let me go.'

'No! I made a promise.' Bucky yelled. His body was being pulled in two separate directions. 'Hold on just a little longer please.' He pleaded.

'It's okay. I love you. Say it back.' Tears spilled over onto Athena's cheeks leaving streaks through the mud and dried blood. Bucky's grip loosened just enough for the young women to release her own. The cry of her best friend followed her down to her final resting place. Upon impact, her skull shattered, brains leaking and flowing free while the skin on her limbs split apart, allowing masses of blood to pour. A few seconds of immeasurable pain followed by endless peace.

Before the initial shock could set in, James 'Bucky' Barnes flung himself back onto the cliff top where his body lay half numb and shaking. Celestial light wooshed around him in a godlike fountain, the darkening skies brought to life by the loss of an innocent soul.Through closed eyelids, green eyes with orange flecks in the centre kept staring back into his, filled with reassurance and peace and love. Love.

'I love you.'

'What is Vormir?'

'A dominion of death. At the very centre of celestial existence,' Nebula's hoarse voice rang clear around the room. Nat sat at one end of the couch, taking notes, with Scott, Athena and Bruce beside her. 'It's where Thanos murdered my sister.' Each word carried shards of pain.

Everyone sat silent for a moment. 'Not it.' Scott said. Athena elbowed his rib and shook her head.

'Thene and I will go. God knows we need a bit of celestial existence in our lives.' Bucky said from across the room. Nebula stepped away from the centre of attention and perched herself next to Nat on the arm of the sofa. Tony cleared his throat and stood up, pacing back and forth.

'One more stone.' He said. 'The time stone. Now, I know a guy but he might not be all that into it.'

Steve raised his head off the table briefly to look at his billionaire best friend. 'Is that the magic doctor dude?'

'The one without the manners? That likes to move people all over the place?' Thor questioned, his darkest sunglasses perched carelessly on the bridge of his nose. 'He stole my brother.' Tony simply nodded in response, too tired to dignify it with a response. He nudged Steve off the table, only to take up the same position straight after.

Athena crossed over to her best friend, absentmindedly moving a few strands of hair out of Bucky's eyes. Mimicking her, Bucky lifted his own hand and flicked a bit of hair away from her face. No matter the situation, they always had each others backs. She was the first person he had ever spared. Technically she wasn't part of the mission, she just got in the way but ever since then he couldn't shake her. They always found themselves in the same place at the same time, running in completely different directions. Even years later when Steve and Sam had brought Bucky back, they found themselves back together again. She had been by his side the whole time since then and they were rarely seen without each other.

'If I lose an arm tomorrow can we share yours?' Athena asked innocently. Her fingers skimmed across the ex-soldier's arm, feeling every line and connecting join.

'No you cannot. I'd get you your own, probably one with better muscle definition.' He said, prodding her arm.

'Rude! And hey, your metal poking fingers hurt.' She squealed, fighting him off with both hands.

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