Blood is Thick but Distance is Thicker

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'...why do all the monsters come out at night? Why do we sleep when...' The front half of a black Chevrolet Corvette Stingray wrapped itself around a streetlight, crumpled up like an accordion. Smoke rose from the bonnet and oil spilled from underneath creating a rainbow patter on the road. A body lay slumped over the wheel, one arm out through a shattered windscreen, the face obscured by an airbag. Hair dyed red with blood fanned around the airbag like a halo. Two feet from the car, a skid mark trail of thick crimson led up to another, more mangled, body, ejected from the car. Cuts all over any visible flesh, from the initial crash through the windscreen, seeped blood onto the street. Limbs bent at odd angles, the neck twisted completely. Glassy eyes fixed a permanent gaze across the street, lips parted in a permanent scream.


'Okay, before we go in I have to warn you of something.' Natasha Romanoff said. She placed one hand on the door before her but paused. Off to the side of her reflection, a younger, less trained girl waited. The two women shared the same expressive eyes, the same stance, the same mistrust of everyone around them. Where Natasha's hair was a deep red that cut short at her chin, Galina's auburn curls sat atop her head, the sides shaved. Natasha's skin was littered with scars and stories of war: Galina's was soft and blemish free.
'These guys can be a little, how can I put it? They can come off a little strong.'

Her sister snorted. 'Nat, they're a bunch of highly wound up supercharged beings with inflated egos and trauma. I don't expect them to be all that calm and stable.' Galina Romanova said. They hadn't seen each other since Nat's recruitment. She found that when she joined S.H.I.E.L.D, Galina had moved halfway across the world. With Fury's help they tracked the estranged sibling down and were happily reunited. Or just reunited at any rate. Nat rolled her eyes and continued through the door. It swung shut. Through the glass, muted voices greeted each other, limbs tangling into hugs. They looked like a family. You had the two brothers fighting in the corner and the mom trying to break them up. The sister that always has her boyfriend over, the little brother that bounces off the walls and wants to be just like his dad. The aunts and uncles that are a mixture of blood relatives and best friends that no one can tell the difference between anymore. Time to mingle.

Steve finally pulled Bucky off Sam as Galina entered the room. Nat motioned over to her, placing her at the main focus of attention.
'This is my sister Lena. Lena, Steve is the one dragging Bucky and Sam off each other. Tony and Clint are discussing...something and Wanda and Vision are the slightly unconventional couple on the sofa.' A young boy bounded around the perimeter of the room. 'And that's Peter.' The agent introduced each individual. Galina waved and hid slightly behind her sister.
'Lena, is there anything you want to say to them?'

The younger stepped to the side and faced the group. 'I'm nothing like my sister, I have no expert fighting skills but I do know how to pack a punch, and I can cook pasta dishes.' She said. Across the room, Bucky flicked a piece of hair from his eyes, a silent "fuck" falling from his lips. He was transfixed. Out the corner of his eye, Sam noticed his friend freeze. He nudged Steve. Both men watched Bucky's movements with curiosity. The soldier straightened from Steve's bear grip and cleared his throat.

'I'm Bucky.' He held out his hand to the newcomer.

'I'm not interested.' Galina said. Arms folded, eyes narrowed, she stared him down. Bucky set his jaw and stared back. The others moved around them, going about their business. Tony ducked under their line of view so as not to interrupt eye contact.

'I feel I should let you know that I have never lost a staring contest.' Galina broke her silence, voice unwavering.

'I feel I should let you know that I killed people and felt nothing.' Bucky returned.

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