Guys and dolls

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Your pov

I am babysitting jane I was playing with her in her room.
"She's my favorite and now she's ruined" Jane complained.
"I'm sure I could fix her with some tape or something" I say taking the doll.

"Can we have a dance party?" She asks taking the doll again
"Uhh sure what else am I gonna do until your parents get home" I say to her then I hear the phone going
"Be right back" I get up from the bed to take the phone.

"Hey Jane"
I come back to janes room and i see Janes doll standing there as a real person.

"Hey look what I made" Jane says happy
"Hi I'm Debby dazel, wanna play?" Debbie asks and I'm a little freaked out.

"Ethan, you're gonna wanna see this!" I yell

Ethan and benny come in Janes room and Ethan is just as freaked out as me for Benny.. he likes it.

"What the heck is that?" Ethan asks
"That.. is a lifesize Debbie dazel, I think I had a dream about this once" Benny says looking at the lifsize doll standing infront of us.

"Jane can I talk to you for a minute" Ethan asks his little sister and I stand next to  him as he talks to Jane

"Jane how did this happen?" Ethan asks
"She had a broken leg so I used y/n's 'fixing spell' and now well.... she's alive" Jane says

Jane gave my book back and I turn around to Benny and he laughed awkwardly at me
"Why did you even have MY book?" I ask him

"Well your book is easier and yours always work better" he says because we always practice together or he watches me practice.

"Don't grab my spell book without my permission again okay?" I ask him with a stern look.

He nods and sight "yeah okay okay"

"Let's have ice cream and go to a disco dance party"Debbie says.
She creeps the living hell out of me.

"I'm in"Benny says smiling I get slowly more behind him.

"No party's we need to turn her back into a doll" ethan says and I nod fast.

"No I don't wanna go back it's so boring I wanna have fun I won't go back I won't" Debby says and I hold onto bennys arm.

"Don't worry Debby I won't let them change you back, I promise" Jane says in her sweet voice.

"Oh goodie let's celebrate, cupcake dance party" Debbie says and Benny gets excited and Debbie and Jane walk out the room, I let go of bennys arm.

"We are gonna find a way to undo this. Now!" I say stern to Benny.

"Ugh it's not that simple, I think Jane used a different spell or different words, we can't undo this until we know the exact spell" Benny explains to Ethan.

"Kitchen party" we hear Debbie say and I jump slightly

"Just. Find a way to undo this. Fast" ethan says looking at me and Benny then I walks away.

"Oh so you get to go to the party that's fair!" Benny says to Ethan

I sight and look through my spell book
"You can go downstairs, I can try and find it on my own" I say to him

(Benny x reader) My babysitter's a vampire Where stories live. Discover now