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Authors note: hey everyone so this chapter might seem confusing but hope and Josie know about their crushes on eachother and they've both dated Landon. Hope you enjoy! :)

Hope POV

It's been a week since Landon left. I feel so lonely and I don't talk to anyone. But that needs to change.

"Hey mikaelson!" I turn around to see Lizzie saltzman calling me. Why is Lizzie talking to me all of a sudden?
"Yeah?" I reply
"Come sit with us. No more being antisocial Hope."
Wait, did Lizzie saltzman just ask me to have lunch with her? We barely ever talk. But I guess this is my time to make friends. Even with Lizzie.
I sit down at the table with Lizzie, MG, kaleb and Josie. Josie. I haven't spoken to her since Landon broke up with her when he got his memories of me back. Josie was the one to return them and it backfired on her. We've avoided each other since then.

Josie's POV

Hope just sat down at our lunch table. I haven't talked to her in so long. Since my break up with Landon I've been meaning to talk to her and make up but I never did. This is my chance. She still doesn't know how I feel about her.
"So hope, how are you? Sorry about muppet boy." Lizzie says, stopping my daydreaming.
"I'll be alright, thanks for inviting me to sit here."
"Yeah mom reminded me that I haven't been very kind to you recently so I'll try even if you don't make it easy."
"Lizzie!" I gasped, nudging her.
Hope laughs "she's not wrong, I don't always make it easy"
Lizzie gives me a 'told you so' look.
MG changes the subject, "So hope, are you interested in any other boys here?"
'Please say no' I think to myself, 'I want this to be my time'
"Not really" hope replies. Thank god. "I'm not really looking for anyone right now" oh maybe it's not my time. But I want it to be.
"I heard rafael was into you" kaleb exclaims. Wow, definitely not my time.
"Rafael waithe? Landon's best friend? I don't think so." Hope says uncertainly.
"Well I heard that too. Who knows" MG claims.
"I need to go to the bathroom." I get up and walk away quickly, I really don't feel like talking about relationships with hope. Especially since she just broke up with Landon and I want it to be my chance. Not rafael's. Or anyone else's.

Hope's POV

Josie just left the lunch table. She didn't look great. Maybe this is my chance to talk to her.
"I'm going to go. I forgot I need to uhm, do something." I leave the table and go to find Josie.
I go up to her bedroom and knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I hear her sweet voice reply.
"It's hope. Are you okay?"

Josie's POV

Hope mikaelson just knocked on my door. This is my chance.
"I'm fine." I reply quickly, "what's up?"
"Can we talk?"
Finally. I get up with out hesitation and open the door.
"Lizzie might be back soon, can we go somewhere else?"

The one for me (hosie)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora