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Lizzies POV

"I found something" my dad said as he ran into my room, "it's a note"
"From who?" Hope stood up.
"Probably whoever took Josie"
"Let me see" my dad passed me the paper
"Do you want your precious josette back? Well then come get her." I read out.
"Come get her? That's not helpful."
"Actually, MG, it could be. Maybe we could trace this back to Josie." My mom answered.
"Should we do another locator spell?" Hope suggested, "maybe it will be easier with that note."
"We can try" I responded.

Hope and I chanted the spell once again. This time, the note moved. It flew off the map.
"She's not in Virginia." Hope sighed, "we need a map of the whole USA to see what state or city she's in."
"There's one in the office." Dad left the room.

He came back a few minutes later with another map and placed it down. "Try this."
We did the spell again and the note moved to New Orleans.
"New Orleans?" Hope whispered.
"Wait what happened to the witch blocking you?" MG looked confused.
"I think, they want to be found?" Now I was confused.
"Maybe it's a trap." My mom added, "they want us to go because Josie was just leverage and they don't actually want her. They want someone else..."

"Someone else? Who?" This is bad.
"That's the problem, we don't know." Mom looked around.

"unless we do."

Hopes POV

Ms Forbes' eyes landed on me.
"Of course." She said, "New Orleans."
"My home. They want me." It was probably a bad idea for me to go but I needed to save Josie.
"Right. We will go to New Orleans to get Josie, Hope you have to stay here." Dr saltzman ordered.
"No way. I'm coming. If they want me," I stood up, "they will get me."

"No. No way." Dr Saltzman argued, "we're not losing another student."
"Hope, don't you think you sacrifice yourself too often?" Lizzie exclaimed.
"Elizabeth! Not helping."
"I'm going. I have to." I told them, "I'll call my aunt and tell her we're coming. We can stay with my family."
"We can't all go. Ric, I think you should stay and look after the kids."
"I'm not a teacher here anymore."
"Good thing it's the weekend."
"Fine I'll stay here. You all leave ASAP. I'm going to call an assembly in the morning."

We got everything ready. Weapons, blood bags, food, vervain, my grimoire and other supplies. Then we were off.

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