Chapter 1

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City sky-scrapers made out of concrete and glass that were so tall that the tops disappeared into the clouds blurred into the large houses of the suburbs made out of brick with fancy pools in the backyards and happy kids playing out-front in gardens with grass so perfect it looked fake, and then eventually the suburbs blurred into farm land and large green fields as the small blue car sped away from the big city, leaving the hustle and bustle and pollution behind them.

Ranboo gulped nervously and turned his music up slightly, Lemon Demon blasting through his headphones as his gloved fingers tapping a anxious rhythm against his leg, his eyes glued to the rapidly changing terrain outside the car's almost too clean window.

He absentmindedly picked at the phone case on the new iPhone he'd been given. Ranboo hadn't had a phone in months, the last one he'd had he had disposed of to avoid being tracked when he ran from his last Foster home. He'd been living on his own in the city for months, surviving well, when a woman had found him. This woman had somehow managed to talk her way into getting him food and then somehow had known who he was, threatening to call the police if he didn't come with her to be put back into the system. If he remembered correctly, her name had been Puffy, and she had seemed way too young to be working in Foster care.

It was annoying that he had been caught, even if Puffy had given him a phone and let him download music and seemed nice enough, especially as it now meant he was being carted off to some new home with another random woman. Oh well, he'd probably run again soon.

After a few minutes he realised the woman driving the car was speaking, her lips moving and forming silent words in the mirror. He paused his music and caught the end of what she was saying.

"Nervous?" She asked kindly, glancing in the mirror to look at the teenage boy cramped in the backseat with a rucksack.

What kind of question was that? Ranboo thought to himself. Of course he was nervous. In fact, he was so nervous that he felt like his stomach was doing back flips as he resisted the urge to throw up despite not having eaten breakfast that morning - which was just normal for him after living on the streets for so long.

He forced a smile as he made eye contact with the lady driving, he had forgotten her name but she seemed nice enough with her bright green hair and bird tattoo on her cheekbone and friendly smiles. "A little."

She nodded, eyes going back to concentrating on the road ahead of them. "Phil is a great guy with great kids, there's no need to be worried."

Ranboo resisted the urge to roll his eyes at this. She might be nice, but she was a bit dim. He was going to a new foster home with a new foster parent and new foster kids that he had never met before... of course he was going to be nervous. Plus there was a difference between being nervous and being worried.

Ranboo pressed play on his music and turned it up even more, knowing that she could now hear it through his headphones and hoping she took the hint that he really didn't want to talk. He just wanted to zone out and concentrate on his music, thinking about what they might be like.

Luckily she did and didn't try to start a conversation again.

An hour or so later, he felt the car slowing as they pulled onto a road on the edge of the town they had been driving through. The car came to a stop by the house right at the very end.

Ranboo paused his music again and clutched his battered rucksack to his chest nervously, knowing they had arrived.

The woman pulled the keys out of the ignition as the engine turned off and turned to look at the nervous bundle of energy that was the teen as he stared out at the house that was about to become his home.

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