Chapter 14

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                                                                 Chapter 14

Delicious. The food I was taste testing was absolutely scrumptious! I’d never eaten anything quite like it. It was a chicken, veggie, sushi platter. I also wasn’t one to eat raw fish but this was an exception. The cook baked it encased in herbs and some sort of special sauce. What was this sauce?

“Luna,” A deep voice interrupted my foodgasm. My head snapped up and looked across the table at my lunch ‘date’.

“Yass?” I may have sounded a bit irritated…maybe because he was interrupting my orgasmic food experience.

He raised his eyebrow at me and I looked back blandly. I would not bow to his death vader glare. He was not going to get me on my knees to bow to his supremacy. No, no, nooo.

“Are you enjoying the dish?” He asked, sitting back in his chair.

“It’s alright,” I said nonchalantly. I didn’t want to praise the cook until I knew it wasn’t Gin Gin who prepared it.

“Alright?” Mr. Chen looked amused by my statement. “It was prepared by one of the greatest chefs in the country.”

“Oh. Who?” I asked as I cut another piece of chicken and stuffed it in my eating hole.

“My sister,” He answered, no emotions. “She said she met you in the hotel elevator.” How did he manage to keep a straight face all of the time? It was increasingly sexy and also disturbing.

“Oh,” I nodded. “I remember her.” I tried to play it off like meeting a world known chef was nothing. A famous chef who was also the sister of this million-possibly billion-naire in front of me.

I wonder if I should bring up what happened in the hotel hallway yesterday. I refuse to be used just for his wicked pleasure….welll maybe I’m exaggerating because it wasn’t all that wicked, but I could totally sue him for sexual assault. Right?

“She’s very annoying at times so I apologize for whatever horrific behavior you had to endure in that hallway,” He said to me as he sipped his tea.

Huh? Did he just…he apologized to me?

“Oh no,” I shook my head. “She was…unique.”

“Yeah. Unique,” He looked down at his watch.

“Errrm…not to pry but is there beef between you two?” I asked him, prying him anyway. I am a prier.

He looked at me and laughed, “No. I love my sister,” he said. “There is nothing ill between us.”

“Oh. My bad,” I said.  I didn’t know what else to talk about. Shang Chen was…I couldn’t even describe him if I tried. There was this confident air about him that I obviously don’t emanate like he does. So I would just sit here; silent. Eating my magical Japanese? Chinese? dish.

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