Chapter 12

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             Helllo! I figured I'd update since I had nothing planned today seeing as I'm on break. I'm really liking the flow of this story, I'm sorry I ever even took a break from it. I hope you like this chapter.


                                                                                                Chapter 12

  I don’t think I’ve ever been so tired in my entire life. We got off the plane like an hour ago and then we were escorted in a very fancy car to the hotel. Hallelujah.

I unpacked my thing, muttering to myself about the audacity of this vacation. This was absolutely absurd! Maybe I was being grouchy because of jetlag or whatever but I was beginning to hate the idea of this ‘work vacation’ even more. Screw Mr. Chen and all his sexy muscleness.

Holy Heaven Almighty.

The bed feels like heaven when I lay on it. It’s like floating on a wonderful cloud, it just swallowed you up in comfort. Hell, it was a sensual feeling! I wondered how much this bed cost because I would literally spend up all my savings for it. It was absolutely wonderful.

I slowly begin to drift asleep, my dreams entailing a wonderful dark hair, tall, green eyed pure masculine man…when someone knocked on my door.

Hell. I just couldn’t catch a break could I? This was some absolute bull.

I got up and answered the door, the scowl on my face was evident because I could feel it.

The lady who was at my door wasn’t fazed by my angry look. She even had the audacity to look amused. I already hate this hotel. Already.

“Mr. Chen said for you to be downstairs in the kitchen in less than an hour,” She informed me perkily.

What the…what?

“What?!” I said sharply. “We just got back!”

“He insisted. He said this vacation was a work vacation and therefore you will be working. Not lollygagging,” She said with a shrug. “If I were you I would go downstairs to the kitchen before I’m out of a job,” she smirked and turned around.

Did he do background checks on his employee’s? Because this one was rude or maybe blunt is the right word. I don’t know. All I knew is that I wouldn’t let her get away with beginning so ass-ish.

“Hey! Wait up! What’s your name?” I demanded.

She turned around and gave me a sweet smile, tugging a strand of dark brown hair behind her ear before flicking me off, “You’ll see.” She said before she walked into the elevator.

Jesus take the wheel.


“You’re late,” Mr. Chen said immediately when I entered the kitchen.

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