Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The dress arrived at 5:00pm.

"Really, Tiffany, I don't know what to wear!" I practically shrieked into the phone. Mr. Chen had just sprung this event on me and I wasn't all. I only had an hour and a half left to even get ready.

Damn him!

"Okay, Luna, calm down. Calm down!" She yelled back at me. She had her nerve! I'm in the middle of a crisis. This was a real problem, a big problem.

"But..." I started, but was then cut off by her pregnant majesty.

"No buts," She said in an evil, very demonic sounding, tone. "Listen. Go take the mud mask off your face, finishing doing your fingernails, and pick out a pair of high heels. Now."

"But I can't wear..."

"You will wear high heels, Luna. End of discussion," she was very much like my mother in many ways.

Tap, Tap.

I blinked and looked around my room for a second before realizing someone had knocked on the door and I wasn't going batshit cray cray.

"Listen, I'll call you back," I told her and hung up before she had a moment to protest.

I walked to the door, praying to God that it wasn't Mr. Chen...Shang. I did not want this man seeing me with a mud mask on. I looked down right horrifying and that was why mud mask were meant to be done in private, occasionally around your girlfriends.

I opened the door and blinked. Two petite women stood at my door holding a garment bag. One of them had distinct blue eyes, the other green. They both looked as if they could be twins due to their identical red hair. "Are you Miss Oscar?" They asked, almost in union. They then look at each other and giggled.

I nodded, mutely.

"This is your dress!" Blue eyes told me excitedly.

"Yes, Mr. Chen told us to bring you this," Green eyes added on.

"And help you into it," Blue eyes nodded.

Lordy, I needed a drink.

"Oh. Well, come in," I opened the door wider and allowed them both in. Which wasn't the smartest idea because they could be murders....but I'm not really focused on that. I'm focused on preparing myself for the ball and I only had an hour....well now I only had 45 minutes.

I groaned and slammed the door behind them, "Please tell me there is appropriate attire in that bag."

"Oh yeah! Definitely, by the way I'm Porsha and this is Mercedes," Blue eyes introduced herself and then her twin...?

"Nice to meet you," I nodded at both of them. "Sorry about all this," I gestured towards by muddy face.

"Oh no worries! Face masks help your pores," Porsha smiled.

"And generally make you a happier person," Mercedes finished and put the garment down on my bed.

I idly wondered if they finished all of each other sentences, because that could get annoying real quick and in a hurry. "Sooo...can I see..."

"Nope!" Porsha said before I even got to finish my damn question.

"We have to get you ready," Mercedes raised an eyebrow.

"And theeen you can see and put on," Porsha grabbed my arm and took me to the huge hotel bathroom.

Then begin the torture.

It seemed to have went on for hours when it reality it had only been thirty five minutes. Porsha and Mercedes managed to get my hair into a two braid style, paint my nails and toenails, wash the gunk off my face and apply smokey make up. I looked like an entirely new person and I was thrilled but it also scared me a little.

"Done!" Porsha clapped. "Ohhhh you look beautiful!"

"Absolutely amazing, darling," Mercedes added. "You'll be the talk of this....gala?"

"Is it a gala?"

"I dunno...perhaps we should..."

"Guys! I'm pretty sure it's a ball of some sort...hey is gala and ball the same thing?" I wondered, getting off track. But my brain quickly slapped me on track when I looked at the time. "Ekk! You guys I have to be ready in a few minutes! Mr. Chen is coming to pick me up and look it's 5:45!"

"Calm down, sheesh," Porsha rolled her eyes.

"Don't be such a drama queen, come on," Mercedes added and took my arm leading me out to my bed. She took my robe off and I blinked.

Wowza. I was suddenly naked in front of two people I did not know, at all.

Though they didn't even give me a second glance.

"Step in!" Porsha ordered holding, what looked like, a piece of lace string, a thong. I did as she ordered, still in shock. I idly wandered what she thought about my body...To be honest I wasn't fat, anymore. I was more on the curvy side, yes. But in my head there would always be that teenage girl who was always subconscious about her...well about everything on her. Who always put herself down and thought of herself that way.

Then Mercedes took my outfit out of the garment bag and my attention was focused elsewhere.

Holy hell on cheese sticks.

It was perfect.

It was me.

It was a jump suit along with a fur shawl.

They helped me get into it, no bra.

It made my breast look like perfect globes. I have found heaven.

The leg part was a deep black, that when I stood together looked as if I was wearing a dress. The top was a deep rich red with a split in the middle, it was tight a made my cleavage appealing. Even to myself, if I may say so. The faux fur was white.

I looked hot.

Mercedes helped me into some red pumps that completed the outfit.

Porsha smirked at me and put pearl earrings in my ear, "There ya go!"

"Now you're ready for that ball," Mercedes added.

"Could you take a picture for me?" I asked them, getting my phone off the nightstand.

Mercedes took the phone and snapped a few pictures. I, of course, did various poses for her. I felt like a freaking model!

I squealed and thanked her and Porsha. They had really done a number on me. It was like I was an entirely different person and now after seeing myself in the jumpsuit, it exhilarated me!

We all jumped as someone knocked on my door, I looked over at the clock.

Welp. Time to face Mr. New-Boss-Who-Liked-To-Touch-Luna-A lot.

"Thank you guys so much!" I said once again, giving them air kisses and hugs.

"No problem," Porsha smirked.

"I lovvve dress up," Mercedes added.

"Hey...I have a question," I started, inquiring about their twindom.

"The answer is no," Porsha said.

"But we do get that a lot. She's a year older than I am believe or not," Mercedes answered. They collected their things and left.

"Good evening, Mr. Chen," I heard them both say at the same time.

But they looked exactly identical...'cept for the eyes.


I looked up, ready to face Mr. NBWLTTLA.

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