Chapter 1: Freak out

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"OMG! Get me out of here!" I scream into the steel elevator doors.
"Dude. Calm down. We are going to get out of here. The library will open up tomorrow at 8:30 am. Someone will get us then."
my friend Sarah said. She has short, dark DARK brown hair, freckles, she is very tall, and like her hair, her eyes are a super deep brown.
"But how!?" I argue, tears streaming down my face. I'm Mira. I'm tallish, I have dirty-brown hair, and hazely-brown eyes.
"Mira, what am I, stupid? It's not very hard for someone to realize that the elevators aren't working, and to maybe think that there's someone trapped inside." She reasons. Sometimes I think she's too smart for her own good.
"Except" I start, "that tomorrow is Sunday and the library doesn't open on Sundays!" I am starting to panic. I have terrible claustrophobia. This isn't going to end well. "Plus it doesn't help that it isn't going to open for yet another day due to Family day." I say. Sarah takes this into consideration.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that Sarah and I are both 15 and a half. We moved into an apartment together, and...umm...what else?
Well we have other friends too, I mean, we aren't loners. There's Delaney. She is short compared to the rest of us. Sometimes I think of her as a Barbie doll. That's because she has short blond hair, and baby blue eyes. I know right? Her personality is such a dumb-funny mix! Even when we are in a situation we think we will never get out of, she can cheer us up by "accidentally" bumping into a wall while "getting a drink". Then we have Rachel. She's super tall, with short, brown hair, and brown eyes. She is also really crazy. She can get really wild sometimes!
"Correct, but remember, we just did our grocery shopping, and we just purchased some really juicy books. We'll be fine. Food to eat, books for entertainment.. Sounds bearable. Don't you think?" She asks
"Sure. If you think that bearable is being here 'till the day we d-"
"Stop it." Sarah interrupts. "You need to quit thinking like that. The least we can do for ourselves is stay calm. So do it. "
I sit down. All I've been thinking 'bout is what I'll do in here. There's school we'd be missing. People would go crazy wondering where we are. Of course no one knows. How could we tell someone where we are and that we are okay?
"I'm right you know." Sarah adds. Of course she's right. She's always right. That's why she has such excellent grades in school. I never did like school. Well, except for the fun subjects like art, P.E. and music and...well that's about it. The first semester went all right, but now I'm finding it impossible to get up in the morning at 7:30am. Some people think I'm crazy, but they get up at 6:00am and I've just never been a morning person. Sarah reaches into one of the grocery bags and emerges with 2 snack sized bags of chips. One direto's (for me because she knows they're my fave) and original lays (for her). She tossed me the direto's. Then she grabbed hold of the bag with our new books in them and found the three books of the Divergent series. Then, one by one she tosses them to me. After all that tossing, she goes into the bag of books again to get the Fault In Our Stars by John Green, and the second book to The Giver, Son. Then, she opens her book, and starts munching on chips.
She is oddly calm about this. Creepy. Very creepy.

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