Remember when... Part II

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The cold metal of the elevator seeps into my skin like the refreshing water engulfing my body when you jump into a pool.
You know what I've always wanted to do? Go to that one place where you can step into a room where they took out all the gravity, and you just do backflips and summersaults. I think about the time Sarah and I bought big rubber balls that you can blow up. Kind of like hamster balls, really. We took them to my aunts trailer, and lounged around in our hamster balls in my aunts pool. I remember the fresh smell that hung in the air. Like the smell that lingers around at the beach. I remember the gentle breeze that pushed my dirty blond hair across my shoulders.
The most fun part was when you were in the bubble and tried to run. You would take two steps and fall! When you pressed your face to the bottom or your little bubble, you could see all the way to the bottom of the pool. I loved that day. Suddenly, a sharp pain strikes my collarbone.
   "Ow!" I complain, rubbing my collarbone. I glance beside me, and see an empty juice box.
Sarah... I think, mock annoyed. I look up at Sarah with a sinister face. "Now, you must die." I say in a raspy voice.
   "You'll never catch me alive!" Sarah exclaims dramatically. I gesture around the room as if to say, you can't GO anywhere. We both burst out laughing.
   "Anyway. What I was going to say was, are you dead?"
   "Excuse me?!" I ask, startled
   "Well, you looked dead. You were staring off into space. You weren't even blinking!" Sarah said, smiling.
   "Creepy." I agree.
   "There's more!?"
   "Yup. Guess what? You didn't even seem to notice when your drool smeared all over your chin!" Sarah finished, giggling. Instinctively, I wiped my chin.
   "Shut up!" I say, throwing the empty juice back at Sarah. It hit her squarely in the stomach. Sarah clutched her stomach, and made a big show of tumbling over onto the floor, faking death.
  "Yes, Sarah led a good life." I said while Sarah lay still on the floor, making up a fake funeral. "Although we all wonder how she died by a juice box." Sarah sits up, her eyebrows furrowed.
   "I didn't die by any ordinary juice box." Sarah said, "That juice box..." Sarah paused for effect, "...exploded with acid!" Sarah exclaimed. I was laughing so hard tears came to my eyes.
"What?" Sarah asked, "It's a perfectly natural way to die."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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