Chapter 3: Apple juice, Elvis and pee bottles

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When I wake up, I'm covered with Sarah's sweater that she had worn the night before. I look over, with sleepy eyes, at Sarah.
"Morning sleeping beauty. What do you want for breakfast? Chips, fruit, granola bars or marshmallows?" She asks with sarcastic smile.
"Umm...I don't know? What drinks do we have?" I ask back.
"Well, there's Hawaiian Punch, Kool Aid and juice boxes. Water, of course too." She responds.
"What kind of juice boxes?" I ask, trying to find the healthiest option. I'm not going to grow fat when I'm trapped in an elevator.
"Apple, orange, and fruit punch." She says. " I know. I didn't realize what pigs we were until I looked over our choices. We have such sugary food!" She says with a smile.
"I'll take fruit with Apple juice, please." I say. Fruit and Apple juice don't sound like they go good together, but it's healthy.
"Hey, how'd the lights turn on?" I ask.
"I found a way to turn them on and off. I just took apart that light up there..." She says, pointing to the light above us. Which now has a red wire and a blue wire sticking out the side. "...and played with the wires until I found a way to control them."
I'm impressed. And apparently it showed on my face. "I know right? I didn't know I could do that either! But I figured, if we don't have light, then what good to us are these books? And those are, like the only entertainment we have other then each other."
"RIGHT???" I agree, kind of loudly. Sarah jumps back a little. "I was kinda thinking we had my phone too, but it's at 5%. So, that eliminates that idea." I say. I clear my throat while mumbling 'can I have my food now please' and all Sarah said was,
"What?" I did it again. "What?"
"Fine I'll get it myself!" I say sarcastically. Then, I reach behind Sarah and grab my fruit and Apple juice.
"Oh! I thought you said 'have I ran out of loot and cheese?' I thought you were loosing it!"
Then we both laughed so hard I squeezed my apple juice out of the straw, and into Sarah's laughing mouth! She was so surprised, she spit it BACK onto me, then we both looked at each other then looked at my shirt, then looked at each other again. And of course THAT little scene made us laugh even harder! I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my very own head! I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my entire life.
"Oops! Sorry! But dude, how did you get that into my mouth?" Sarah half laughed.
"I am a freaking ninja!" I responded. Then we both laughed to ourselves as we cleaned up my shirt with some paper towels.
"Dude just take off your shirt and put on my sweater. It's not like I'm going to be needing it." Sarah said.
"Thanks." I said as I pulled my shirt over my head.
"Plus, it's only me in here, right?" Sarah asks.
"Speaking of your sweater, did you wake up in the middle of the night or something? Or how did your sweater get in top of me?" I ask her.
"Yeah I did wake up. I saw you shivering and you were kind of talking to your self. Mumbling, really." She said. "Then I just draped my sweater over you because you were using yours as a pillow already. And I wasn't using mine anyway." She said.
I took a sip of my now half empty juice box then realized, is it half empty, or is it half...full?
"Hey Sarah," I asked.
"Yeah?" She said.
Right then I decided I should play with her a little. So, I gave her a super serious look, like I was about to tell her I have a twin sister or something, and then, I said,
"Would you consider this box half empty or half full?"
All she did was shake her head and laugh.
"When I was awake last night I also discovered your little homemade bathroom." She said. "And I think it was genius."
"Why thank you, thank you very much." I replied, giving a little bow.
"You would make a great Elvis." Sarah said. "What about me?" Then she looked behind her, waited a beat, and I'm thinking, what now? then she swung her head, popped her collar, and said, "Thank you, thank you very much"
"You're too much." I said, laughing. "But seriously, what are we going to do...when we run out of pee bottles?" I say. Sarah bursts out laughing, and a minute later, I join her on the ground. Hey, you never know! We might be the next Elvis's!

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