Chapter 6

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Sabrina and Puck

Sabrina wasn't even looking for clues in the forest, they had been walking around for a little over an hour and she wasn't even paying action to where they were going, she kept her distance from Puck moving quickly, looking up at the sky every couple of minutes hoping the sun would set, but the sun was barely even in the sky, they had a long time left.

"What are we even looking for?" Puck asked

"Clues," Sabrina said matter of factly

"What exactly would be considered clues?" Puck quizzed

"Something left behind from the kidnapper like the fabric we found" Sabrina snapped, not looking at him.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked abruptly

"What's wrong with me?" she said finally turning to face him "what's wrong with you?"

Puck stayed silent a confused look on his face

"Let's just keep looking so we can get off this island," Sabrina said, turning away from him once again. But he grabbed her wrist turning her back around to face him

"Were not leaving till you tell me what's happening," he said no smile on his face he was completely serious

"Why should I talk to you?" she snapped trying to pull away but Puck kept a firm grip on her

"Because we're lost Grimm," he said, "we've seen these trees at least three times, and you're not even looking for clues!"

"Don't tell me what I'm doing" she snapped "and we're not lost" that was a complete lie

"Look, I'm not one for feelings," Puck said "but I hate silence more, so just talk"


"I know it involves me, you were happy last night smiling even, something you hardly ever did when we lived in ferryport landing, then you just left without a word, and now you're acting exactly the same as when we were 11," he said looking right into her bright blue eyes

"You said you wanted things to go back to the way they were. Now you don't. Decide already" Sabrina said still struggling to break free from Puck's grasp.

"Sure I wanted things to go back to how they were but they're not going to!" he shouted his voice echoing through the forest.

She finally stopped struggling, frozen trying to wrap her head around what he had just said.

Puck was bright red a color he was not fond of being, but he still didn't let her go.

"Not a word for almost a year and then you show up for one night because your mother forced you to," Sabrina said quietly

He stayed silent not quite meeting her gaze

"If she didn't ask you to come would you ever have come back?" she asked "or would you just have run off and gotten married and ruled your kingdom without even telling anyone you were back" she realized she was now yelling, her voice echoing back at her through the trees of the forest.

"What are you even talking about?" Puck asked confused

"Your fiance," Sabrina said "when's the wedding, am I even invited" she was fuming her face was on fire and she could feel tears prickle in her eyes, she had been wanting to yell at him about everything that happened the night he returned since it happened.

"I don't have a fiance," he said still confused

"Really then why did your mother say you did" she shouted

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