How He Is Around You When He Realises That He Likes You

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It is when he has feelings for you but he's not sure about them.

In Meetings: Usually, he won't add anything in important meetings with Tsunade until and unless he has some valuable information but when you're in the meeting he either goes extra quiet to avoid any embarrassment of saying something wrong. Or he will try to add talkative as he can be to prove that he has some good points too.

Please acknowledge him or else he will go in silent mode for the entire next week.

During Training Sessions: He has no mercy when it comes to training and will give his best when sparing with others. But when it comes to you this guy has jelly legs already, even thinking about how close you two will be. He will be all in defensive mode to maintain the distance because of course you make him feel some kind of way and being this close? Are we planning a heart attack?

Till this day you think you're better than him in combat when the truth is far different from it. But he doesn't mind if it makes you smile. *He realizes it soon and internally scolds himself for letting you win*

During outings: He usually is the type to be "I was better off home" but if he gets to know that YOU are coming too... he is ready at the meeting point right on time (which is equal to coming early for most people but come on we're talking about Kakashi here). He is a bit more observant of what you like and what attracts you the most and if you liked something but missed it because everyone was walking faster, you WILL get it later the next day on your desk. White fang doesn't miss a thing.

You are still clueless as to who does this every time and you're pretty curious and determined to find it too.

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