Jinchuriki Reader

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At the starting he'll be very observant about what makes you feel comfortable and what throws you off.

For example you're not someone who likes people invading your personal space so he made sure that he didn't stole that from you, yet didn't made you feel alone at the same time.

Would definitely cook for you. That's just his way of making sure that you're staying healthy so that you always have enough energy just in case anything goes wrong.

Whenever you both sleep together he make sure that some part of his body is touching you be it just one finger. He just want to make sure that you're there by his side. This one time he completely freaked out after not finding you by his side and even in bathroom and you were there in the kitchen having Nutella as midnight snack oblivious to the fact that your man is ready to go on an y/n hunt right now.

If you feel uneasy because of the tailed spirit inside you be always holds your hand. It helps you realise that you got this and even if something bad happens he's there.

Most of it he learner by watching Minato so he knows that people WILL conspire against you and WILL treat you badly. He's never a foul mouth to anyone but when it comes to you he'll insult anyone in a second without a second thought or a single regret.

Will always treat you with your favourite food ofcourse.

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