ThE pLaN {{ Y/N P.O.V.}}

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"The plan is almost in action! Just a few more hours and I will have Jay Why FREAKING Pee as my boyfriend!" I excitedly said, clenching my fists for achievement.
After this, my life will be complete. 5 minutes until it's show time! At about 3 P.M I will go say hi! I brought my friend along with me as well, he (Guy Fieri) will be watching everything here and will make sure I can talk to Jay Why Pee without any interruptions!

2 more minutes 'till show time. EEeeEEEe I'm so excited! I'm walking over right now! I walked quickly so I could come earlier, which means more time to talk.

After analyzing Jay's usual schedule, I realized that on Saturday, he actually leaves at 3:30 P.M sO I will have plenty of time to talk to him.

I walked right over. The excitement is flowing. My heart was beating, loud enough for anyone to hear. I knocked on the door three times, waiting for a response. There I stood with my boombox in my left hand playing: hEy i JuSt MeT yOu aNd ThiS Is CrAzY BuT yOuR My LoVeR So CaLL mE MaYbE!

"Ummm, excuse me! I am busy right now so leave! little brat" a sudden voice said.
"Wai-!" I tried reaching for the door before it slammed in my face. With utter shock, I realized I was heartbroken! This was the day I realized that the world was cruel, but that didn't stop me from falling for 2D boys and real boys. 

Y/N X JAY WHY PEE X GUY FIERI X CHRIS KRATTWhere stories live. Discover now