Chapter Twelve

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The black smoke from the burning rafts could be seen from the beach. The survivors began trickling back into the city to take care of the animals and tasks left behind.

Jaessa stood still, eyes still focused on the rafts. They had gotten quite far out into the ocean, but their orange flames had not yet died out.

"Your Highness, we must go back. It is getting dark." Zara's tone held no animosity. She was also feeling broken from the horrific day she had endured.

Kotai and his sons silently stood as sentinels for the new Queen. Azir remained next to Kotai as well. They all listened as Zara begged and pleaded with Jaessa.

"I'm not ready," mumbled Jaessa.

Zara bit back the reminder that a Queen should never mumble, instead letting out a heavy sigh. "You will catch a fever, Your Highness. It is getting dark, and the cool breezes have begun."

"I'm not afraid of a fever."

Zara cast her gaze towards the twilight skies and clenched her teeth together. "I never implied that you were. But who else will there be to lead our kingdom if you fall ill?"

Jaessa felt a fresh wave of tears fall down her cheeks. "Do you think she suffered, Kotai?"

Zara looked at the dragon and pleaded with her eyes for him to help convince the new Queen to go home.

Kotai chose to ignore her and approached Jaessa with quiet steps. "I cannot know for sure, Your Highness. It seems the plague took its victims quickly."

"What caused this?" Jaessa's face remained turned to the ocean. Her eyes searched the horizon as if she expected her mother to come back at any moment.

Kotai's eyes shifted to look at the shadowy figure up on the cliffs. "I am afraid I must ask for time before I answer that question."

"Kotai," said Jaessa, finally turning her head to face him.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Will you move back to the castle? I cannot bear to be away from my friends right now. I feel as though my world is crumbling apart."

Kotai watched the tears glisten in her eyes as she spoke. But he knew that eight dragons would easily overwhelm the castle in no time. Especially with how fast his sons were growing.

"Your Highness-"

"Please, Kotai, can't you just call me as you always did?"

Kotai shook his head. "I am afraid not. It is your new position and title. The sooner you accept it, the easier it will be to learn all you need to know."

Jaessa looked back towards the darkening ocean.

"As for your invitation," continued Kotai, "I am afraid we cannot live in the castle any longer. My sons are growing too quickly. Eight dragons in one castle are just too much."

Jaessa looked down to the rocky sand and nodded. "I suppose so."

Kotai could feel her sadness increasing. "However, it is not too far for us to fly every day. With your permission, we will come daily. Would that suit Your Highness?"

Kotai soon found himself being hugged by the young Queen. Her arms were throwing around his neck, and as she sobbed into his scales.

"I can think of no better solution. You are so wise, my dear Kotai."

Kotai wrapped his forearms and wings around the girl. "My Queen, I know your heart is breaking. I know you are overwhelmed with sadness and her responsibility. However, I know that you will come out stronger because of all of it. I also know that your sadness will not last forever. And the responsibilities will be no match for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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