Chapter Two

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While residing in the palace, Kotai trained his sons daily in the different skills they would need as they grew into adult dragons. His teachings were limited however, due to the fact the queen had requested he keep his human form. The young dragons were permitted as they were still small enough to be hidden behind palace walls and were less intimidating than their father whose massive size could make a grown man wet himself with just a look.

Today, however, the small dragon family was headed home to the mountain for a few days of intense training and so Kotai could have some time to relax in his own dragon skin. As soon as they had reached the mouth of the cave, Kotai had shifted and spread his wings with a mighty roar.

The seven small dragons roared back as best they could, but it was much less noble, and more or less what one could call cute. As if on cue, all eight dragons sprang up into the air, their leathery wings flapping and pushing them higher into the bright azure sky.

On the journey up the mountain, Kotai had informed his sons they would be working on their hovering skills, an ability one would need if their bonded one were riding them and need to aim a bit more carefully with a weapon and also needed for in-air combat.

He instructed his sons to follow his movements, swooping upwards and then leveling out, their wings coasting on the air as much as possible, tails used in giving them leverage.

Namjoon, with his scales as bright white as his mother's had been, was the first to attempt the hover maneuver. He floundered a bit, bouncing a bit as he soon leveled out on the air current, earning a strong cheer from his father. Namjoon puffed out his chest proudly and dove back towards the earth.

Jin was next, and while he didn't catch on quite as quickly as Namjoon, he did complete the maneuver in a few short moments. His orange hide gleamed as he flew towards the sun and then hovered, covering his brothers below in his shadow. He smiled smugly as his father congratulated him and instructed him to return to the group.

Yoongi slowly flew into the air, finding the air current in mere seconds and practically lounging on it. He looked most like his father, the faint iridescent sheen on his scales, most likely inherited from his mother, being the only difference between the two pitch-black dragons.

Hoseok happily replaced his sleepier brother and bounded into the sky with excitement, he wings flapping wildly. Kotai had to dodge his sporadic movements several times before the toddling dragon finally reached the level of the air current. He smiled goofily as he drifted a bit to the side with the breeze, his small legs flailing at one point when he was pushed by a rather forceful gust.

So far, four of his sons had completed their mission and Kotai couldn't be prouder. The last three dragons were now lined up, ready to go when their father would call them. Their four older brothers lay on their bellies in the cool grass, cheering their younger brothers on to success.

Jimin was up next, his large and bright black eyes narrowing in determination. He was smaller than the rest, always having to strive harder to achieve what the others could do almost immediately. But Jimin never let himself get defeated. Completing the hover mission was no exception.

His powerful legs launched him upwards, his purple wings flapping fiercely as he propelled himself higher into the sky. Kotai could see he was pushing himself harder than the others had, and he smiled at Jimin's fighting spirit.

Tezza had had the same spirit and it wasn't often that Kotai could best her at much. Whatever he did better, she learned how to do even better than him. It was the same determination he saw all over Jimin whenever something a bit difficult for him was introduced.

Amazingly, Jimin reached the air current quicker than his larger brothers, floating almost effortlessly on the breeze. Cheers were heard from the ground and with a broad smile, Jimin nodded to his father and then descended to the group below.

Restoration - Dragons of Dragonvale Book Two (on hiatus for a little bit)Where stories live. Discover now