Chapter Three

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Jaessa, Azir, and the seven young dragons stood on the parapet, the humans leaning their arms on the wall and their chins on top of their arms, the dragons poking their heads through the various openings in the stone. They gazed out over the small City of Remnants, whose nightlife was beginning to get into full swing, as was its custom.

Out in the bay a ship, looking large even from such a great distance, was dropping anchor. The lights from its lanterns and torches dancing and reflecting up off of the calm sea waters. A small skiff was lowered, teaming with sailors needing to feel solid ground and, perhaps, even a woman beneath them.

Azir's eyes narrowed and he glanced over to the Princess. Her eyes were innocently wide, watching the things that happened below the walls of the palace without any idea of the true depravity of it all. Beside Jaessa, stood Taehyung, his piercing blue eyes locking onto Azir's. His upper lip snarled slightly and he inched a bit closer to Jaessa. Azir tried not to laugh. The young dragon did not know in the least that he truly had no competition for Jaessa's attentions.

"Princess?" hummed Namjoon, himself perched on top of the low stone wall, wings folded lowly on his body, his wise-beyond-his-years eyes studying everything he could see.

"Yes, Namjoon?" Jaessa's voice was quiet, indicative of her being lost in her own thoughts.

"What do those men do? I see them go into the building almost every night, but I never see them come out, yet their ships are gone in the morning."

"I don't really know, Namjoon, my mother says that it is a very special place that someday I, myself will go. Perhaps I can let you know then," she giggled softly.

Namjoon slowly nodded his head and resumed his thoughtful watching.

Azir felt a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. It tightened into a knot and threatened to push bile up into his throat. He cleared his throat carefully, trying to be subtle,  but the action did not go unnoticed by the Princess.

"Azir, are you alright?"

"Yes," he said quietly. His eyes were trained on the brothel below and it physically sickened him to think of Jaessa ever walking through it's doors.

Jaessa saw the darkness in his expression. She followed his line of sight to the building below. "Azir, what do you know of that place?"

All seven dragons and the Princess stared at the young man. He glanced around the eight pair of eyes, shifting nervously. "Ah, Princess, I don't know...I am not sure if..."

Azir fumbled his words and his fingers picked at the rough stone wall.

"He is saying that you are not quiet old enough to know what goes on down there," came a low, calming voice from behind them.

The seven dragons turned and bounded over to their father, nuzzling his hands and his sides with great affection. Kotai smiled and with a familiarity only a father can have with his sons, he scratched each of their chins, loving their low and rumbling purrs.

Azir's tenseness melted away, a smile lightening his face. "Hello, Kotai!"

Jaessa smiled as well, turning her back to the city and focusing instead on the dragon-shaped-like-a-man in front of her. "Kotai! How was the meeting?"

"Boring as usual, your Highness."

"I'm sure, but I know it must be good to discuss strategies should someone ever attack us."

"Yes, it is good to have plans in place," nodded Kotai, coming to stand next to the Princess, earning a disgruntled snort from his blue son. Kotai smirked and looked out over the bay. "Your mother asked if you could join her in the main hall."

Restoration - Dragons of Dragonvale Book Two (on hiatus for a little bit)Where stories live. Discover now