Chapter 1: Jelliana

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*Jentzen just announced that Jelliana is official*
J: "Can you believe it y/n?! I just asked her and she said sure! I'm so relieved! *laughs loudly*
P: "We should go out to dinner to celebrate!"
El: "I'm down. Just let me get ready, Brb!
Y/N: "So you just asked her Jentzen?"
J: "Yeah, I was actually surprised that I could do it.
L: Good job bro! That's what's up!"
Em: "I'm gonna go up to help Elli. *High fives Jentzen*
Ay: "Hey Piper, where are we going? Only so I can let my mom know in case she comes to pick me up."
P: "Let's go to Nobu! I'll go ask Hunter to driver us!"
Sy: "Come on y/n, let's go get dressed with Elli."
J: "Hold on Symone, she'll be right up. *grabs you by the wrist and smiles at Symone*
Sy: *looks at both of you awkwardly * "K I guess...come up as soon as you can!"
Y/n: "kk"
J: "You okay, y/n? You don't seem well. You don't have to come to the dinner if you don"
Y/n: "I'm fine Jentzen. *try to pull away*
J: "You never call me Jentzen y/n, you always call me J. Why don't you trust me? Last month you told me that I was your best friend and I told you the same...we tell each other everything. You can tell my if your okay or not. Ya know I'm always there for you y/n."
Y/n: "Well it seems your there for Elliana a lot more then me now, but believe what you want J." *you walk upstairs leaving him*

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