Chapter 3: The Sqaud

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*Elliana storms out of the room*
J: "Elli wait! *chases after her*
Y/n: "I have to go" *you run outside to find Elliana telling the rest of the squad*
L: "Dude! What the frick?!" *To Jentzen*
Em: "That's cheating!"
Sy: "Thats wrong y/n!"
Cl: "So your telling me Jentzen asked Elli to be his girlfriend, then kissed y/n?!"
Hu: "Everyone calm down, Piper and I are going to take the three of them inside and have a discussion."
*The squad protests, but Hunter tells them no so they give up*
*Once were in the living room*
Hu: "Yo what the hell Jentzen? You just cheated on Elliana! With your best friend! Or at least we thought."
Y/n: "Hunter! I'm so sorry! It was an accident! A mistake!"
J: *looks over at you* "A mistake? You said you lov"
El: "Y/n?! him?!*Starts crying* I'm so confused!"
P: "Okay look guys! Jentzen have you announced Jelliana is official to any of your socials yet?"
J: "No."
P: "Okay so the internet won't know you cheated, which will save the squad from humiliation. Elli do you still want to be apart of the squad?"
El: "Does this answer this?" *Storms out the door *
P: "Elliana! What's even happening? This HAS to be a dream! Y/n your still new, and your just kissing other peoples boyfriends?! Your lucky I love you and won't expose you!"
Y/n: "I'm uh...I'm going home. I can walk."
J: "Y/n, don't do's like 30 minutes."
P: "I'll have Hunter drive you. We all need the day off, come tomorrow and we can sort things out, ok?"
Y/n: *grabs your purse and walks out*

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