Research *Broken Remedy*

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Remedy's P.O.V

I woke up with the sweats but the chills. Eyeless sat on the arm of the couch and Toby sat on a cushion. "Who is Kate?" I asked Toby. He looked over then looked away. "Who is lauren then?" I asked. He said nothing. "Do you know, EJ?" I asked. He shrugged. I'll do my own research then... I ran upstairs toward the old desktop and typed in Kate. A website full of information about her appeared along with a story. It had CR, Kate, and Lauren in it. Once I read it I realised it was the story in my dream except the last part. The last sentence of the story sent chills down my spine. One piece still remains. It said. I ran back downstairs and sat next to Toby. "Are you sure about knowing nothing?" I asked him. He didn't reply. Anger boiled up in me. "I thought you said you would never lie to me, Toby?" I said. He continued looking away. Bipolar plus bipolar does not mix.... I clenched my lips. Why won't they tell me. "Who is Kate?" Toby finnaly asked. "Probably a figment of her imagination" Eyeless said. My mind wasn't there anymore. As if it walked away and left me to fend for myself. Well what isn't my mind is a demon. A murdering machine. One who will fuck a bitch. I couldn't think anymore. I sat there for a moment as my nerves decided what to do. "Let's go outside Toby" My lips moved on their own. He nodded and looked back at Eyeless before going outside with my bones. As i decided to take a walk too apparently. Toby and my body sat on the porch. It seemed to happen in third person. My hands reached for his neck and started to strangle him. Wherever I was, I shed tears while my body acted on its own. Toby struggled but it seemed my bones strangled him with all his might. "T-toby" I managed to croak out. It hurt to talk. Then my body seemed to give out as it saw a white hood. Was it Jeff? Toby saw his chance. He plunged into my body punching with all his might. I couldn't feel it... My bodies eyes closed and my body went limp. Did he knock me out? Did I faint? Or was it something else? Toby got up and went inside as I watched my shallow breathing body in third person. The white jacket ran into view and I caught a glimpse of her... Black hair... Mask. Black jeans. Eyeless was at the window and I tried to warn her. She couldn't see the warning. I was as good as a ghost. Suddenly I snapped back into my own body as my eyes slowly opened. "Shhhh" the voice said with a dry tone. I guess she hasn't spoken in a while. "W-why??" I asked. She paused a moment. "Remedy" she managed to say before Eyeless came outside. Shit. I stood up ready to defend this stranger. He whispered in her ear and then she sprinted off. I sat in the corner of the porch. I was shaking. My body was bruised. Eyeless came up to me. "Did she talk to you at all?" He asked. I shook my head no. I didn't want to get the stranger in trouble. He nodded and pulled me up. "Let's go" he told me

Broken Remedy ~CreepyPasta~Where stories live. Discover now