(insert title here) *Broken Remedy*

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Remedy was mentally exhausted. She needs some sleep... I'm not a babysitter. "Remedy, why don't we uhmmm maybe EXIT the infirmirary?" I asked. She nodded. "Leggo!" I said. She looked towards the window. Then she opened it and jumped out. What the hell is up with girls and windows?!

Remedy's P.O.V

I ran towards the mine. Then I stopped... Lauren is dead. She was trying to find Kate, this missing person. Kate killed Lauren... Hmph. I entered the mine and saw the signs of a struggle. Five of the eight generators were lit. "Kate?" I asked out. The vents creaked. Kate sprinted into view. Why does she always sprint??? "What" she asked. "Did Lauren have a camera?" I asked her. She nodded. "Did she have to do a task?" I asked. "Turn off the generators and collect drawings" she said. "Did she fail?" She nodded. "Did slender chase her too?" I asked. She nodded once again. Slender was involved in a way. And he doesn't want me to know? Is it that bad? What about the last piece? Questions bubbled in my head. I focused on one and one only. "Why doesn't slender want me yo know about you and Lauren?" I asked. She paused to think a moment. After a few moments she just shrugged. I guess that ment my visit was over. I walked out the mine and back to the mansion. Once I entered BEN was in the living room playing video games with Laughing Jack. I walked in as silent as I could and sat behind the couch. I believe they were playing Call Of Duty. What could I do to bother them..... I could disconnect the internet..  I snuck over to the cable box and unplugged it. The game was checking for internet connection. It kept checking until it failed to reciecey anything. Laughing jack started laughing. Da fuq? "HAEHAHAHAHAHAE!!!!" He laughed out. BEN slammed his controller on the floor and went to the cable box. He plugged it back in but just as he did I started laughing. Shit. The reaction was  priceless. He dropped the cable box and turned around to see me behind the couch laughing. Laughing Jack towered over me. "I didn't even notice you were back..." BEN said. "She a NINNNJAAAA!" Laughing Jack said. This was very random. I stood up and brushed myself off. "Wanna play Call Of Duty?" BEN asked. "Yeah" I said. I put the cable box back on the desk and sat on the couch ready to play. I can beat both of them. "Whoever wins gets to choose the next game!" BEN said. Game on.... I took out my weapon and his behind a crate waiting for somebody to pass by. A few minutes later Laughing Jack walked by. I scoped him and he died. "HAEHAHAHAHA!" Laughing Jack laughed. "Whats so funny?" I asked him. He continued to laugh. I got behind the crate again. BEN passed by to loot Laughing Jack. I jumped out from behind the crates and we started shooting each other. Eventually we ran out of ammo and it turned into a knife fight. I slit him with my knife and his character fell. "Boom! I won!" I yelled. I broke down into a small dance. "Now we shall play HALO!" I said. A few games later I went to make me some lunch. I had my lunch then went to my room. It was pretty late so I just jumped into bed.

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