Infirmirary *Broken Remedy*

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Ticci Toby's P.O.V

The girl woke up and looked at her surroundings. She started that damn piercing scream again. "S-hhh" I said. My voice shaking. I stalked this girl all the time and acted like her friend. I guess she didn't recognize my goggles and mouth guard. The girl looked around, her eyes wide. "H-hey girl... Calm down" I said. She was breathing heavily and one of the straps had been lose. "Where am I?" The girl asked me. That damn Hoodie was asleep again. "The infirmirary" I said. She studied me carefully as if she was trying to remember.

Remedy's P.O.V

That man. That damn man. What if they found out... OH MY GOD! what if they found out about me being Eyeless Jacks proxy? Shit shit shit. I had one cuff off me already. I pulled on the remaining cuffs and started screaming at them "I NEED TO GO!" I said. The asleep boy woke up and saw my struggle to get out. He walked up to me and I tried to bite at him. No use. Suddenly a man in a girly mask walked in and strapped my cuff back on and put tape over my mouth. I looked at him and tried to hit him with my head. "Fiesty one eh?" He said with a small chuckle. My skin was almost as white as the walls as a result of my... Transformation. Eyeless had removed my heart as the deal. So if he ever dies I will die immediately. "Calm down" "Calm down" I heard a soothing voice say. I saw a bit of blood trickle from my chin and screamed, but it got muffled. I continued to struggle like a spooked horse. Eyeless taught me this strategy, screaming loudly is a good defense for the weak. Soon I gave up and layed there letting a few tears escape my eyes. It appeared I was giving up but as soon as they left I was GONE! I closed my eyes and remembered my 18th birthday that was just a few weeks ago on June 14th. 
Hoodies P.O.V

The girl had layed back and gave up. It was no use anyway. She started crying silently. I felt some resemblance one day. "Let's uncuff her" I whispered to masky. The girl had her eyes closed now as we got up to uncuff her slowly.
Third Person P.O.V

Once all the cups were unhooked the girl got up and opened the window. She jumped out, falling. She rolled as she hit the ground and stood up perfectly fine. The two men ran downstairs after her. She ran through the forest towards the city.  The girl stopped at a apartment


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