Prologue: The Call of the Moon

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After the Diabolic War had ended, Dravidian has been freed from the invasion of Naraka, which led by the warlord Azh-Dahak. The victory could not be achieved if not for the bloodshed and assistance of the coalition forces of Halcyon, Sentinels from the Evergreen Realm and the Naga depths. But as the last resort, Azh-Dahak unleashed the summoning portal that would continuously unleash the horrors from the other world to continue his conquest. Before all is lost, Tsuitachi, under the aid of his vanguards, Nagisa, Naomi and Archnologia, the portal is destroyed with Tsuitachi's sacrifice as the sacrificial token, thus preventing the overwhelming energies from the portal to implode on the surviving members of the coalition army. As the result, the Diabolic War is truly ended for good.

However, with the leader's gone, the rest of the members of Oracion rejected the offers of other nations and decided to revive their master. Archnologia, as an ancient dragon, was freed from the contract made with his former master and decided to roam free across the continent. While Nagisa and Naomi decided to step down and live together as a couple. Together, they traveled long distance to the neighboring continent of Kyo, and settled themselves there. Things went smoothly for the first ten years as they bore three children. The eldest daughter being Asami, with her twin brother Kazuki. The third born is named Rai. The three children learnt swordsmanship from their parents and eventually grow into young swordsmen that would aid in their parents' patrol mission around the borders.

However, when Naomi is about to give birth to the fourth child, tragedy happened. It was a stormy night and Nagisa is away for a mission with the siblings, and a fire was caused by the lightning that strikes on the family's home. When they returned, Nagisa and his children only found ashes of their home, with their beloved wife and mother died in the fire. They rebuilt the home, and Nagisa placed the remains of Naomi under the cherry blossom tree near their house that was planted when they first arrived here. The children often go to the tree and confesses to it as if they are speaking with their beloved mother.

Another few year went by, Nagisa is now a middle-aged man. Being a single parent that raised three children to their adulthood had made his appearance changed drastically. His back gives off a vibe that displays changes over the years. One day, when he was relaxing by the cherry blossom tree, he witnessed and odd omen. It was a full moon night, and a star was plummeting across the moon to the earth. It brings Nagisa to a loss of thought, and recalls the end of the bargain which he made with his former master during the circumstances of the Diabolic War. Realizing his death draws near, he felt a sign of relief, and murmurs to himself before return to his home.

'Time to keep the end of the bargain, lord Tsuitachi. Naomi, I'll be joining you soon, please wait for me...'

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