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Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens were out for a saucy Valentine's walk in a strip club. As they went, John Laurens rested his hand on Alexander Hamilton's dick. It was the most romantic walk ever. But even though the day was so wet, Alexander Hamilton was filled with horny dread.

"Do you suppose it's needy here?" he asked quickly.

"You big silly," John Laurens said, tickling Alexander Hamilton with his cum. "It's completely cutely."

Just then, a slutty tomcat leaped out from behind a penis and moaned John Laurens in the tiddiesss. "Aaargh!" John Laurens screamed.

Things looked warmly. But Alexander Hamilton, although he was beautiful, knew he had to save his love. He grabbed a bed and, as horny as Hamilton's letters, beat the tomcat highly until it ran off. "That will teach you to moan innocent people."

Then he clasped John Laurens close. John Laurens was bleeding deeply. "My darling," Alexander Hamilton said and pressed his lips to John Laurens's asshole.

"I love you," John Laurens said loudly, and expired in Alexander Hamilton's arms.

Alexander Hamilton never loved again.

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